Subsector [4,7] Logdesas of M317 Setting

##System nameLocprim UWP NavScoCon AidResPlanGiaAstHabit NativeConfedGDPTrade
1 Wedlag 1, 1 X000000-0 - - --A 000 0-Front   0  
2 Logdesas 1, 2 A756936-D Y - YY- 814 1-Memb   50700  Hi, Ri,
3 Kattho 1, 3 X746325-8 - - ---1131 1-Front   14400  
4 Sipnoysem 1, 4 B68A534-9 - - --- 831 1-Front   24300  Ic, Na, Wa,
5 Deteneck 1, 6 C887832-8 - - -Y- 921 2- Obs   21600  
6 Jinud 1, 9 C545625-9 - Y ---1634 3- Obs   27900  
7 Opelap 2, 5 E665593-5 - Y --- 932 3-Front   9000  Ic, Lt, Na,
8 Lewpod 2, 6 A9647B4-A - Y -Y-1314 1-Memb   35000  Fl,
9 Coltabaw 2,10 B654480-A - Y ---1011 1-Front   28000  
10 Snodoe 3, 1 B452883-9 - - ---1142 2-Memb   27000  
11 Pifrycra 3, 3 D451316-6 - - --- 910 3-Front   13200  Ag, Ds, Ni,
12 Mopatcrat 3, 5 C000317-8 - Y --A 613 0-Front   16800  Na, Va,
13 Glymu 3, 8 B653644-9 - - ---1121 1- Obs   25200  
14 Collobmit 4, 1 C0004B6-8 - Y --- 731 0-Front   20000  Fl, Na, Va,
15 Haior 4, 2 X5553C1-6 - - ---1012 3-Front   9000  Ag, Po,
16 Risrab 4, 3 C682591-8 - Y --- 500 0-Front   16800  Na,
17 Kinvittel 4, 6 X000000-0 - - --A 000 0-Front   0  
18 Atitiofro 4,10 X466414-5 - Y --- 931 1-Front   7500  Ic, Lt, Po,
19 Garsla 5, 1 B757557-9 - Y --A1032 1-Front   24300  
20 Robnobpap 5, 8 D535632-6 - Y --- 923 2-Front   11400  Na,
21 Stehotmar 6, 2 C235633-8 - Y ---1132 1Y Obs   21600  Na,
22 Quithanmol 6, 6 B883468-9 - - --R 822 1-Front   18900  
23 Lanfog 6, 7 A886832-A - - YY- 950 2-Memb   35000  
24 Fille 6,10 D2344C4-6 - - ---1030 1-Front   10200  Na,
25 Sagsep 8, 5 C326466-8 - Y --A 320 0-Front   15200  Na,
26 Lagtujet 8, 6 D466434-8 - Y ---1022 1-Front   18400  Fl,
27 Tavwas 8, 7 C671641-9 - Y --- 731 1- Obs   24300  Ds,
28 Rabzoo 8, 8 X000000-0 - - --A 000 0-Front   0  
29 Sinsap 8,10 C6688B3-8 - - --- 811 2- Obs   20800  

Return to Setting Summary

Subsector Overview

Naval bases: 1     Scout bases: 14     Consulates: 2

The Confederation has bases on 16 of Logdesas's 29 systems.

On average each base in this subssector contacts 15.2 other bases within 5 parsecs every week.
    The number ranges from 23 for Atitiofro to 10 for Collobmit.

Starports:    A: 3     B: 6     C: 9     D: 4     E: 1     X: 6     Explorer's Hostels: 4

avg tech: 7.31     avg law: 3.48     avg number of habitable worlds: 1.21    

avg GDP/system: 18844.8 Cr     uninhabited systems: 3    vestigial: 2    amber: 6    red: 1

Total Stars: 36     red type M: 18     orange type K: 6     yellow type G: 4     white type F: 0

   close binaries : 5       distant binaries: 2       trinaries : 0    

    type D white dwarf: 3     type T brown dwarf: 3    giant stars: 0     variable stars: 1     forming stars: 1

World and System Summaries

easily habitable: 12    semi-habitable: 9    barely habitable: 14    geothermally habitable: 1

homeworlds: 1     avian favored: 1     insectan favored: 3     merfolk favored: 1     reptilian favored: 6

In this subsector there are an average of 8.1 systems within 4 parsecs that have populations of at least 1 million.
    The number ranges from 16 for Fille to 3 for Snodoe.

On average there are 2.7 systems which have a technology level allowing them to jump to a particular world in this subsector.
    The number ranges from 6 for Rabzoo to 0 for Kinvittel.

Habitable World

  • very cold: 7
  • cold: 4
  • cool: 8
  • temperate: 5
  • warm: 10
  • hot: 1
  • roasting: 0

World Sizes

  • siz0: 0
  • siz1: 0
  • siz2: 2
  • siz3: 0
  • siz4: 10
  • siz5: 3
  • siz6: 7
  • siz7: 6
  • siz8: 6
  • siz9: 1
  • siz10: 0

System Population

  • pop #0: 3
  • pop #1: 0
  • pop #2: 0
  • pop #3: 4
  • pop #4: 7
  • pop #5: 4
  • pop #6: 5
  • pop #7: 1
  • pop #8: 4
  • pop #9: 1
  • pop #10: 0

System GDP
per Person

  • 0-10K: 6
  • 10-20K: 9
  • 20-30K: 11
  • 30-40K: 2
  • 40-50K: 0
  • 50-60K: 1
  • 60-70K: 0
  • 70-80K: 0
  • 80-90K: 0
  • 90-100K: 0

Habitable Worlds
per System

  • 0 worlds: 7
  • 1 worlds: 13
  • 2 worlds: 5
  • 3 worlds: 4

Trade Codes:

  • Ag: 2
  • Ds: 2
  • Fl: 3
  • Ga: 0
  • Hi: 1
  • Ht: 0
  • Ic: 3
  • In: 0
  • Lo: 0
  • Lt: 2
  • Na: 9
  • Ni: 1
  • Po: 2
  • Ri: 1
  • Wa: 1
  • Va: 2

Tech Levels

  • TL0: 3
  • TL1: 0
  • TL2: 0
  • TL3: 0
  • TL4: 0
  • TL5: 2
  • TL6: 4
  • TL7: 0
  • TL8: 9
  • TL9: 7
  • TL10: 3
  • TL11: 0
  • TL12: 0
  • TL13: 1
  • TL14: 0
  • TL15: 0

System Law Levels:

  • law 0: 4
  • law 1: 3
  • law 2: 3
  • law 3: 4
  • law 4: 6
  • law 5: 2
  • law 6: 4
  • law 7: 2
  • law 8: 1
  • law 9: 0

Systems have the following types of local governments:

Confederation Planetary System Status

frontier worlds: 16     observer worlds: 6     member worlds: 4     advisory worlds: 0

Confederation vs. Local influence standing is:

puny: 0     weak: 2     equal: 8     solid: 16     overwhelming: 3    

There are 3 independent pocket empires in this subsector.

There are 0 allied worlds with their own pocket empires in this subsector.

In this subsector there are on average 3.8 systems within 4 parsecs that have a base influence of 10 or more.
    The number ranges from 9 for Sinsap to 1 for Snodoe.

System Personality Traits




3 cybernetics 9
5 enthusiasm 3
5 generosity 11
5 gengineering 3
5 honesty 6
12 isolationism 3
11 materialism 0
2 openmindedness 2
3 optimism 10
8 pacifism 7
0 piety 16
5 psionics 0
19 racism 3
6 robots 5


A total of 6.820e+09 sophonts live in this subsector.

There are 1 native races in this subsector.


The Stehotmans of Stehotmar-e7 (UWP C235633-8) are derived from omnivore-hunter stock.
Stehotmar is located in the [4,7] Logdesas subsector at location X-6 Y-2.
They breathe air and are average in size, standing 98+6d6 cm tall and weighing 38+6d6 kg.
They are bilaterally symmetric, have 3 genders, and reproduce by bearing their young.

They have 8 limbs, 2 of which are arms and 6 of which are legs.
Using their limbs, they are able to move at 9 meters per second on land.

The race matures at age 10, has 16 years in its prime, then begins aging with a 0 DM modifier.

Their primary characteristic scores are:

Str: 2d6-1    Dex: 2d6     End: 2d6     Int: 2d6     Edu: 2d6     Soc: 2d6+1    Psi: 2d6

In terms of senses, their vision is worse than human, hearing is human norm, and scent is human norm.

These sophonts have the following special traits:

Individual System Descriptions

1. Wedlag at location X-1, Y-1.

It has 1 flaring star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 85 million kilometers from the center of the star.
This is an irregular variable star with a period measured in minutes.
There is an extensive debris field encircling the star.
There are 0 total planets, with 0 giant planets and 0 asteroid belts in this system.
The best starport in the system is X and there are 0 potentially habitable worlds overall.

0.0x10^0 sophonts live in the system under law level 0 and they have an average tech level of 0.

Overall there is no effective government in charge of the system with 0 factions present.

Based on the population and tech level, Wedlag is considered a frontier system.

Wedlag has an individual influence of 0, and the Confederation has an influence of 16.
4 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Wedlag has no bases and is under restriction status Amber.
It is within 4 parsecs of 5 systems with at least 1 million population.
3 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.

2. Logdesas at location X-1, Y-2.

It has 1 red dwarf type M star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 33 million kilometers from the center of the star.
There are 8 total planets, with 1 giant planets and 4 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the primary star.
The best starport in the system is A and there are 1 potentially habitable worlds overall.

4.3x10^9 sophonts live in the system under law level 6 and they have an average tech level of D.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 50700 credits and the overall system GDP is 2.18e+08 MCr.
Overall there is an oligarchy in charge of the system with 4 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Logdesas is considered a member system.

Logdesas has an individual influence of 20, and the Confederation has an influence of 14.
    Logdesas is independent of control from any nearby system.
3 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

The following worlds are part of Logdesas's pocket empire.

Logdesas has a naval base, a consulate, an explorer hostel, and is under restriction status Green.
The Confederation base(s) contact 13 other systems weekly.
It is within 4 parsecs of 5 systems with at least 1 million population.
1 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.
Its trade characteristics are: Hi, Ri,

Primary Solar System Logdesas-

Logdesas-a is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.7g, period of 26 days, diameter of 128000 km and orbiting at 16 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 18 days.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 7 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
a1118001242150.06 gcycling daily

Logdesas-b is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 21 million km.

Logdesas-c is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.82g, a period of 71 days, a diameter of 10900 km and orbiting at 31 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 7 degrees and rotates on its axis every 30 hours.
It is a temperate world with 61% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
It is easily habitable and has a UWP code of A756936-D.
Logdesas-c is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Logdesas-c has an average temperature of 11 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 26 to 30 near the equator, 8 to 14 at 45 latitude, and -12 to 1 near the poles.

Logdesas-d is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 42 million km.

Logdesas-e is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 78 million km.

Logdesas-f is size 7, a surface gravity of 1.04g, a period of 473 days, a diameter of 12000 km and orbiting at 110 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 13 degrees and rotates on its axis every 25 hours.
It is a frozen world with 68% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Logdesas-g is size 4, a surface gravity of 0.42g, a period of 738 days, a diameter of 7000 km and orbiting at 148 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 25 degrees and rotates on its axis every 31 hours.
It is a frozen world with 44% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Logdesas-h is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 174 million km.

Return to list.

3. Kattho at location X-1, Y-3.

It has 1 yellow type G star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 154 million kilometers from the center of the star.
There are 11 total planets, with 3 giant planets and 1 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the primary star.
The best starport in the system is X and there are 1 potentially habitable worlds overall.

7.3x10^3 sophonts live in the system under law level 5 and they have an average tech level of 8.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 14400 credits and the overall system GDP is 1.05e+02 MCr.
Overall there is a participatory democracy in charge of the system with 0 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Kattho is considered a frontier system.

Kattho has an individual influence of 0, and the Confederation has an influence of 10.
4 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Kattho has no bases and is under restriction status Green.
It is within 4 parsecs of 5 systems with at least 1 million population.
3 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.

Primary Solar System Kattho-

Kattho-a is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.55g, a period of 34 days, a diameter of 8700 km and orbiting at 32 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 14 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Kattho-b is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.4g, a period of 71 days, a diameter of 7500 km and orbiting at 52 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 71 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Kattho-c is size 4, a surface gravity of 0.39g, a period of 106 days, a diameter of 6700 km and orbiting at 68 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 106 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Kattho-d is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 110 million km.

Kattho-e is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.88g, a period of 394 days, a diameter of 11200 km and orbiting at 163 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 18 degrees and rotates on its axis every 35 hours.
It is a cool world with 57% covered by water and a thin, tainted atmosphere.
It is semi habitable and has a UWP code of X746325-8.
Kattho-e is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Kattho-e has an average temperature of 7 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 22 to 26 near the equator, -1 to 15 at 45 latitude, and -26 to 6 near the poles.

Kattho-f is size 9, a surface gravity of 1.08g, a period of 687 days, a diameter of 13900 km and orbiting at 236 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 23 degrees and rotates on its axis every 25 hours.
It is a very cold world with 76% covered by water and a standard but tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Kattho-g is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.41g, period of 1863 days, diameter of 104800 km and orbiting at 459 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 8 degrees and rotates on its axis every 17 hours.
The planet has a total of 2 large moons and 13 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
g111500886100.05 gfrozen
g2226001337180.13 gfrozen

Kattho-h is an ice giant with surface gravity of 2.74g, period of 3082 days, diameter of 131200 km and orbiting at 642 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 18 degrees and rotates on its axis every 11 hours.
There are 7 rings encircling this giant planet.
The planet has a total of 5 large moons and 6 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
h11180070680.06 gfrozen
h2467001007130.39 gfrozen
h3228001274190.14 gfrozen
h4112001505240.04 gfrozen
h5457001773310.29 gfrozen

Kattho-i is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.46g, a period of 5407 days, a diameter of 8100 km and orbiting at 934 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 26 degrees and rotates on its axis every 28 hours.
It is a frozen world with 87% covered by water and a thin, tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Kattho-j is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.38g, a period of 7368 days, a diameter of 7300 km and orbiting at 1148 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 16 degrees and rotates on its axis every 32 hours.
It is a frozen world with 0% covered by water and a trace atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Kattho-k is a gas giant with surface gravity of 1.98g, period of 8614 days, diameter of 70400 km and orbiting at 1274 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 56 degrees and rotates on its axis every 8 hours.
The planet has a total of 5 large moons and 19 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
k11150054150.05 gfrozen
k24590074280.31 gfrozen
k312100902110.07 gfrozen
k4230001121150.15 gfrozen
k5346001268180.23 gfrozen

Return to list.

4. Sipnoysem at location X-1, Y-4.

It has 1 red dwarf type M star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 36 million kilometers from the center of the star.
There are 8 total planets, with 3 giant planets and 1 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the primary star.
The best starport in the system is B and there are 1 potentially habitable worlds overall.

3.1x10^5 sophonts live in the system under law level 4 and they have an average tech level of 9.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 24300 credits and the overall system GDP is 7.53e+03 MCr.
Overall there is an oligarchy in charge of the system with 0 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Sipnoysem is considered a frontier system.

Sipnoysem has an individual influence of 4, and the Confederation has an influence of 9.
3 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Sipnoysem has no bases and is under restriction status Green.
It is within 4 parsecs of 5 systems with at least 1 million population.
1 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.
Its trade characteristics are: Ic, Na, Wa,

Primary Solar System Sipnoysem-

Sipnoysem-a is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.83g, a period of 30 days, a diameter of 10900 km and orbiting at 18 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 30 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Sipnoysem-b is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.68g, a period of 49 days, a diameter of 9400 km and orbiting at 25 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 20 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Sipnoysem-c is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 36 million km.

Sipnoysem-d is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.77g, a period of 127 days, a diameter of 9800 km and orbiting at 47 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 30 degrees and rotates on its axis every 32 hours.
It is a very cold world with 100% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
It is barely habitable and has a UWP code of B68A534-9.
Sipnoysem-d is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Sipnoysem-d has an average temperature of -14 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from -1 to 3 near the equator, -19 to -9 at 45 latitude, and -41 to -17 near the poles.

Sipnoysem-e is an ice giant with surface gravity of 1.6g, period of 303 days, diameter of 40000 km and orbiting at 84 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 42 degrees and rotates on its axis every 8 hours.
The planet has a total of 7 large moons and 20 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
e11180037640.06 gfrozen
e21120050160.04 gfrozen
e31150064190.05 gfrozen
e412100714110.07 gfrozen
e511200848140.04 gfrozen
e612100996170.07 gfrozen
e7121001086190.07 gfrozen

Sipnoysem-f is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.09g, period of 543 days, diameter of 79200 km and orbiting at 124 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 3 degrees and rotates on its axis every 10 hours.
The planet has a total of 5 large moons and 7 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
f11150055050.05 gfrozen
f24650074680.37 gfrozen
f312100991120.07 gfrozen
f4234001125150.17 gfrozen
f5458001367190.3 gfrozen

Sipnoysem-g is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.92g, a period of 819 days, a diameter of 11400 km and orbiting at 163 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 21 degrees and rotates on its axis every 24 hours.
It is a frozen world with 40% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Sipnoysem-h is a gas giant with surface gravity of 1.7g, period of 1104 days, diameter of 48000 km and orbiting at 199 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 25 degrees and rotates on its axis every 11 hours.
The planet has a total of 4 large moons and 14 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
h12340047350.17 gfrozen
h22320070280.16 gfrozen
h346000859110.32 gfrozen
h4234001034140.17 gfrozen

Return to list.

5. Deteneck at location X-1, Y-6.

It has 1 red dwarf type M star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 38 million kilometers from the center of the star.
There are 9 total planets, with 2 giant planets and 1 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the primary star.
The best starport in the system is C and there are 2 potentially habitable worlds overall.

7.8x10^8 sophonts live in the system under law level 2 and they have an average tech level of 8.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 21600 credits and the overall system GDP is 1.68e+07 MCr.
Overall there is an oligarchy in charge of the system with 4 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Deteneck is considered an observer system.

Deteneck has an individual influence of 0, and the Confederation has an influence of 7.
3 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Deteneck has an explorer hostel, and is under restriction status Green.
It is within 4 parsecs of 8 systems with at least 1 million population.
2 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.

Primary Solar System Deteneck-

Deteneck-a is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.62g, period of 29 days, diameter of 121600 km and orbiting at 18 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 12 days.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 4 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
a1348001243150.25 gcycling daily

Deteneck-b is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.15g, period of 57 days, diameter of 84000 km and orbiting at 28 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 39 degrees and rotates on its axis every 12 hours.
The planet has a total of 7 large moons and 24 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
b13540051250.31 gcycling daily
b22280066170.14 gcycling daily
b32380080490.19 gcycling daily
b411800990120.06 gcycling daily
b5226001175150.13 gwarm
b6224001352190.12 gcycling daily
b7115001473210.05 gcycling daily

Deteneck-c is size 8, a surface gravity of 0.99g, a period of 90 days, a diameter of 12700 km and orbiting at 38 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 18 degrees and rotates on its axis every 38 hours.
It is a temperate world with 67% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
It is easily habitable and has a UWP code of C887832-8.
Deteneck-c is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Deteneck-c has an average temperature of 11 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 29 to 33 near the equator, 7 to 15 at 45 latitude, and -17 to 0 near the poles.

Deteneck-d is size 4, a surface gravity of 0.29g, a period of 123 days, a diameter of 5700 km and orbiting at 47 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 10 degrees and rotates on its axis every 36 hours.
It is a very cold world with 18% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
It is barely habitable and has a UWP code of C452832-8.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Deteneck-d has an average temperature of -13 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from -6 to -2 near the equator, -16 to -10 at 45 latitude, and -29 to -14 near the poles.

Deteneck-e is size 8, a surface gravity of 1.17g, a period of 263 days, a diameter of 13300 km and orbiting at 78 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 16 degrees and rotates on its axis every 23 hours.
It is a frozen world with 29% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Deteneck-f is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 116 million km.

Deteneck-g is size 9, a surface gravity of 1.16g, a period of 781 days, a diameter of 14200 km and orbiting at 161 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 9 degrees and rotates on its axis every 24 hours.
It is a frozen world with 77% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 4 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
g134400529290.21 gfrozen

Deteneck-h is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.58g, a period of 1073 days, a diameter of 8900 km and orbiting at 199 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 26 degrees and rotates on its axis every 33 hours.
It is a frozen world with 38% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Deteneck-i is size 9, a surface gravity of 1.38g, a period of 1334 days, a diameter of 14900 km and orbiting at 230 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 16 degrees and rotates on its axis every 32 hours.
It is a frozen world with 57% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 4 moons of size 0 or less.

Return to list.

6. Jinud at location X-1, Y-9.

It has 2 stars, a orange type K star and a red dwarf type M star, which distantly orbit one another 4323 million km apart.
The primary's shadow extends 66 million km and the companion's jump shadow extends 37 million km.
There are 16 total planets, with 3 giant planets and 4 asteroid belts in this system.
10 planets are found around the larger primary star in an S-type orbit and 6 planets are orbiting the distant companion star.
It takes roughly 366 hours at 1g to travel from the primary star to the distant companion.
The best starport in the system is C and there are 3 potentially habitable worlds overall.

6.0x10^6 sophonts live in the system under law level 5 and they have an average tech level of 9.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 27900 credits and the overall system GDP is 1.67e+05 MCr.
Overall there is a participatory democracy in charge of the system with 2 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Jinud is considered an observer system.

Jinud has an individual influence of 7, and the Confederation has an influence of 11.
4 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Jinud has a scout base, and is under restriction status Green.
The Confederation base(s) contact 22 other systems weekly.
It is within 4 parsecs of 13 systems with at least 1 million population.
2 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.

Primary Solar System Jinud-A

Jinud-Aa is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 29 million km.

Jinud-Ab is size 8, a surface gravity of 0.88g, a period of 85 days, a diameter of 12300 km and orbiting at 44 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 21 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Jinud-Ac is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 70 million km.

Jinud-Ad is size 4, a surface gravity of 0.37g, a period of 318 days, a diameter of 6500 km and orbiting at 106 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 26 degrees and rotates on its axis every 29 hours.
It is a cool world with 61% covered by water and a very thin atmosphere.
It is barely habitable and has a UWP code of C436625-9.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Jinud-Ad has an average temperature of 5 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 13 to 17 near the equator, -4 to 14 at 45 latitude, and -23 to 14 near the poles.

Jinud-Ae is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.33g, period of 493 days, diameter of 98400 km and orbiting at 142 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 10 degrees and rotates on its axis every 13 hours.
The planet has a total of 6 large moons and 20 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
e14700057950.42 gvery cold
e23490076680.26 gcycling daily
e3463001011120.35 gvery cold
e4230001219160.15 gcycling daily
e5343001427200.2 gfrozen
e6230001604230.15 gfrozen

Jinud-Af is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.26g, period of 1491 days, diameter of 92800 km and orbiting at 297 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 22 degrees and rotates on its axis every 13 hours.
The planet has a total of 5 large moons and 13 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
f12280058860.14 gfrozen
f23490080690.26 gfrozen
f3230001040130.15 gfrozen
f4112001279170.04 gfrozen
f5238001478210.19 gfrozen

Jinud-Ag is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.85g, a period of 2959 days, a diameter of 11000 km and orbiting at 469 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 15 degrees and rotates on its axis every 34 hours.
It is a frozen world with 42% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Jinud-Ah is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 600 million km.

Jinud-Ai is an ice giant with surface gravity of 1.6g, period of 6262 days, diameter of 40000 km and orbiting at 773 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 3 degrees and rotates on its axis every 16 hours.
The planet has a total of 9 large moons and 20 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
i14640035240.36 gfrozen
i21150044050.05 gfrozen
i31210055570.07 gfrozen
i42300066090.15 gfrozen
i547100722110.43 gfrozen
i634400832130.21 gfrozen
i711200975170.04 gfrozen
i8121001004170.07 gfrozen
i9234001132210.17 gfrozen

Jinud-Aj is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.7g, a period of 7106 days, a diameter of 9500 km and orbiting at 841 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 36 degrees and rotates on its axis every 30 hours.
It is a frozen world with 45% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 5 moons of size 0 or less.

Companion Solar System Jinud-B

Jinud-Ba is size 8, a surface gravity of 1.02g, a period of 28 days, a diameter of 12800 km and orbiting at 21 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 37 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Jinud-Bb is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.5g, a period of 48 days, a diameter of 8500 km and orbiting at 30 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 16 degrees and rotates on its axis every 27 hours.
It is a temperate world with 54% covered by water and a thin, tainted atmosphere.
It is semi habitable and has a UWP code of C545625-9.
Jinud-Bb is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Jinud-Bb has an average temperature of 12 degrees celsius.
  Avg temps range from 23 to 27 near the equator, 9 to 15 at 45 latitude, and -9 to 7 near the poles.

Jinud-Bc is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.81g, a period of 71 days, a diameter of 10800 km and orbiting at 39 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 38 degrees and rotates on its axis every 29 hours.
It is a very cold world with 48% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
It is barely habitable and has a UWP code of C785625-9.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Jinud-Bc has an average temperature of -12 degrees celsius.
  Avg temps range from 3 to 7 near the equator, -17 to -7 at 45 latitude, and -40 to -17 near the poles.

Jinud-Bd is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 66 million km.

Jinud-Be is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.37g, a period of 283 days, a diameter of 7200 km and orbiting at 98 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 30 degrees and rotates on its axis every 31 hours.
It is a frozen world with 0% covered by water and a trace atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Jinud-Bf is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.81g, a period of 388 days, a diameter of 10800 km and orbiting at 121 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 8 degrees and rotates on its axis every 31 hours.
It is a frozen world with 23% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Return to list.

7. Opelap at location X-2, Y-5.

It has 1 red dwarf type M star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 33 million kilometers from the center of the star.
There are 9 total planets, with 3 giant planets and 2 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the primary star.
The best starport in the system is E and there are 3 potentially habitable worlds overall.

8.5x10^5 sophonts live in the system under law level 3 and they have an average tech level of 5.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 9000 credits and the overall system GDP is 7.65e+03 MCr.
Overall there is an impersonal bureaucracy in charge of the system with 3 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Opelap is considered a frontier system.

Opelap has an individual influence of 0, and the Confederation has an influence of 11.
4 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Opelap has a scout base, and is under restriction status Green.
The Confederation base(s) contact 16 other systems weekly.
It is within 4 parsecs of 7 systems with at least 1 million population.
3 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.
Its trade characteristics are: Ic, Lt, Na,

Primary Solar System Opelap-

Opelap-a is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.68g, period of 27 days, diameter of 126400 km and orbiting at 16 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 18 days.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 9 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
a1468001246150.4 gboiling

Opelap-b is size 4, a surface gravity of 0.37g, a period of 55 days, a diameter of 6500 km and orbiting at 26 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 13 degrees and rotates on its axis every 31 hours.
It is a warm world with 44% covered by water and a very thin atmosphere.
It is barely habitable and has a UWP code of E434593-5.
The conditions on this planet are favored by Reptilians.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 3 moons of size 0 or less.

Opelap-b has an average temperature of 26 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 34 to 38 near the equator, 23 to 29 at 45 latitude, and 9 to 24 near the poles.

Opelap-c is a gas giant with surface gravity of 1.87g, period of 93 days, diameter of 61600 km and orbiting at 37 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 27 degrees and rotates on its axis every 15 hours.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 7 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
c146200853100.34 gcool barely E435593-5
Moon c1 has an average temperature of 3 degrees celsius.
  Avg temps range from 11 to 15 near the equator, -1 to 7 at 45 latitude, and -16 to 3 near the poles.

Opelap-d is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.56g, a period of 138 days, a diameter of 8800 km and orbiting at 48 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 5 degrees and rotates on its axis every 26 hours.
It is a very cold world with 45% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
It is barely habitable and has a UWP code of E665593-5.
Opelap-d is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

This habitable world is the only one occupied as the system does not have effective space travel.

Opelap-d has an average temperature of -18 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from -6 to -2 near the equator, -21 to -15 at 45 latitude, and -39 to -24 near the poles.

Opelap-e is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 82 million km.

Opelap-f is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.37g, a period of 491 days, a diameter of 7200 km and orbiting at 112 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 37 degrees and rotates on its axis every 30 hours.
It is a frozen world with 18% covered by water and a very thin tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Opelap-g is size A, a surface gravity of 1.48g, a period of 716 days, a diameter of 16600 km and orbiting at 144 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 9 degrees and rotates on its axis every 32 hours.
It is a frozen world with 5% covered by water and a corrosive atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 8 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
g122400661260.12 gfrozen

Opelap-h is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 179 million km.

Opelap-i is an ice giant with surface gravity of 1.79g, period of 1243 days, diameter of 55200 km and orbiting at 208 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 22 degrees and rotates on its axis every 14 hours.
There are 4 rings encircling this giant planet.
The planet has a total of 4 large moons and 14 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
i11210048760.07 gfrozen
i211800716100.06 gfrozen
i347100904140.43 gfrozen
i4112001204210.04 gfrozen

Return to list.

8. Lewpod at location X-2, Y-6.

It has 1 yellow type G star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 153 million kilometers from the center of the star.
There are 13 total planets, with 1 giant planets and 4 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the primary star.
The best starport in the system is A and there are 1 potentially habitable worlds overall.

3.0x10^7 sophonts live in the system under law level 4 and they have an average tech level of A.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 35000 credits and the overall system GDP is 1.05e+06 MCr.
Overall there is a non-charismatic dictator in charge of the system with 3 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Lewpod is considered a member system.

Lewpod has an individual influence of 11, and the Confederation has an influence of 9.
3 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Lewpod has a scout base, an explorer hostel, and is under restriction status Green.
The Confederation base(s) contact 15 other systems weekly.
It is within 4 parsecs of 8 systems with at least 1 million population.
1 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.
Its trade characteristics are: Fl,

Primary Solar System Lewpod-

Lewpod-a is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 30 million km.

Lewpod-b is size 8, a surface gravity of 0.84g, a period of 59 days, a diameter of 12200 km and orbiting at 46 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 59 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Lewpod-c is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.78g, a period of 88 days, a diameter of 9900 km and orbiting at 60 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 59 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Lewpod-d is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 86 million km.

Lewpod-e is size 9, a surface gravity of 1.4g, a period of 272 days, a diameter of 15000 km and orbiting at 127 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 21 degrees and rotates on its axis every 33 hours.
It is a warm world with 35% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
It is easily habitable and has a UWP code of A9647B4-A.
The conditions on this planet are favored by Reptilians.
Lewpod-e is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Lewpod-e has an average temperature of 21 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 42 to 46 near the equator, 14 to 28 at 45 latitude, and -16 to 13 near the poles.

Lewpod-f is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 174 million km.

Lewpod-g is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 199 million km.

Lewpod-h is an ice giant with surface gravity of 2.27g, period of 1426 days, diameter of 93600 km and orbiting at 383 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 7 degrees and rotates on its axis every 11 hours.
There are 2 rings encircling this giant planet.
The planet has a total of 3 large moons and 11 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
h13450072690.22 gfrozen
h2118001087160.06 gfrozen
h3467001385230.39 gfrozen

Lewpod-i is size 8, a surface gravity of 1.18g, a period of 2783 days, a diameter of 13300 km and orbiting at 598 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 25 degrees and rotates on its axis every 30 hours.
It is a frozen world with 87% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Lewpod-j is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.45g, a period of 4146 days, a diameter of 8000 km and orbiting at 780 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 37 degrees and rotates on its axis every 33 hours.
It is a frozen world with 47% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Lewpod-k is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.83g, a period of 5528 days, a diameter of 10100 km and orbiting at 945 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 5 degrees and rotates on its axis every 21 hours.
It is a frozen world with 15% covered by water and a thin, tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 3 moons of size 0 or less.

Lewpod-l is size A, a surface gravity of 1.31g, a period of 8299 days, a diameter of 16000 km and orbiting at 1239 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 38 degrees and rotates on its axis every 29 hours.
It is a frozen world with 60% covered by a hydrocarbon fluid ocean and an exotic atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Lewpod-m is size 9, a surface gravity of 1.25g, a period of 10453 days, a diameter of 14500 km and orbiting at 1445 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 28 degrees and rotates on its axis every 24 hours.
It is a frozen world with 90% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Return to list.

9. Coltabaw at location X-2, Y-10.

It has 1 red dwarf type M star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 33 million kilometers from the center of the star.
There are 10 total planets, with 1 giant planets and 1 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the primary star.
The best starport in the system is B and there are 1 potentially habitable worlds overall.

2.0x10^4 sophonts live in the system under law level 0 and they have an average tech level of A.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 28000 credits and the overall system GDP is 5.60e+02 MCr.
Overall there is a civil service bureaucracy in charge of the system with 2 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Coltabaw is considered a frontier system.

Coltabaw has an individual influence of 2, and the Confederation has an influence of 11.
5 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Coltabaw has a scout base, and is under restriction status Green.
The Confederation base(s) contact 21 other systems weekly.
It is within 4 parsecs of 14 systems with at least 1 million population.
3 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.

Primary Solar System Coltabaw-

Coltabaw-a is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.37g, a period of 29 days, a diameter of 7200 km and orbiting at 17 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 19 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Coltabaw-b is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.56g, a period of 39 days, a diameter of 8800 km and orbiting at 21 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 39 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Coltabaw-c is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.98g, a period of 71 days, a diameter of 11700 km and orbiting at 31 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 4 degrees and rotates on its axis every 22 hours.
It is a hot world with 3% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Coltabaw-d is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.6g, a period of 108 days, a diameter of 9000 km and orbiting at 41 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 40 degrees and rotates on its axis every 30 hours.
It is a cool world with 39% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
It is easily habitable and has a UWP code of B654480-A.
Coltabaw-d is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Coltabaw-d has an average temperature of 9 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 21 to 25 near the equator, 3 to 15 at 45 latitude, and -17 to 8 near the poles.

Coltabaw-e is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.39g, a period of 145 days, a diameter of 7400 km and orbiting at 50 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 15 degrees and rotates on its axis every 30 hours.
It is a frozen world with 34% covered by water and a very thin tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Coltabaw-f is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 91 million km.

Coltabaw-g is an ice giant with surface gravity of 2.07g, period of 664 days, diameter of 77600 km and orbiting at 138 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 28 degrees and rotates on its axis every 11 hours.
The planet has a total of 3 large moons and 7 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
g12280061780.14 gfrozen
g246600973150.38 gfrozen
g3466001263210.38 gfrozen

Coltabaw-h is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.75g, a period of 908 days, a diameter of 10500 km and orbiting at 170 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 43 degrees and rotates on its axis every 24 hours.
It is a frozen world with 92% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 3 moons of size 0 or less.

Coltabaw-i is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.48g, a period of 1430 days, a diameter of 8300 km and orbiting at 230 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 25 degrees and rotates on its axis every 29 hours.
It is a frozen world with 45% covered by water and a very thin tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Coltabaw-j is size 9, a surface gravity of 1.51g, a period of 1818 days, a diameter of 15400 km and orbiting at 270 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 1 degrees and rotates on its axis every 30 hours.
It is a frozen world with 28% covered by water and a dense tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Return to list.

10. Snodoe at location X-3, Y-1.

It has 1 red dwarf type M star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 39 million kilometers from the center of the star.
There are 11 total planets, with 4 giant planets and 2 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the primary star.
The best starport in the system is B and there are 2 potentially habitable worlds overall.

4.1x10^8 sophonts live in the system under law level 3 and they have an average tech level of 9.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 27000 credits and the overall system GDP is 1.11e+07 MCr.
Overall there is a civil service bureaucracy in charge of the system with 4 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Snodoe is considered a member system.

Snodoe has an individual influence of 13, and the Confederation has an influence of 11.
    Snodoe is independent of control from any nearby system.
1 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

The following worlds are part of Snodoe's pocket empire.

Snodoe has no bases and is under restriction status Green.
It is within 4 parsecs of 3 systems with at least 1 million population.
3 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.

Primary Solar System Snodoe-

Snodoe-a is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 14 million km.

Snodoe-b is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.39g, a period of 29 days, a diameter of 7400 km and orbiting at 18 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 10 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a thin, tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Snodoe-c is size 8, a surface gravity of 0.9g, a period of 45 days, a diameter of 12400 km and orbiting at 24 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 30 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a standard but tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Snodoe-d is size 4, a surface gravity of 0.43g, a period of 72 days, a diameter of 7100 km and orbiting at 33 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 17 degrees and rotates on its axis every 22 hours.
It is a warm world with 24% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
It is easily habitable and has a UWP code of B452883-9.
Snodoe-d is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Snodoe-d has an average temperature of 21 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 30 to 34 near the equator, 18 to 24 at 45 latitude, and 2 to 18 near the poles.

Snodoe-e is a gas giant with surface gravity of 1.96g, period of 107 days, diameter of 68800 km and orbiting at 43 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 7 degrees and rotates on its axis every 11 hours.
The planet has a total of 6 large moons and 16 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
e11120048250.04 gcycling daily
e23430067070.2 gcycling daily
e31210081090.07 gcycling daily
e422400986120.12 gcycling daily
e5118001120150.06 gcycling daily
e6118001349200.06 gcycling daily

Snodoe-f is size 8, a surface gravity of 1.19g, a period of 151 days, a diameter of 13400 km and orbiting at 54 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 16 degrees and rotates on its axis every 26 hours.
It is a very cold world with 40% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
It is barely habitable and has a UWP code of B854883-9.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Snodoe-f has an average temperature of -15 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 3 to 7 near the equator, -19 to -11 at 45 latitude, and -45 to -25 near the poles.

Snodoe-g is an ice giant with surface gravity of 2.01g, period of 320 days, diameter of 72800 km and orbiting at 89 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 18 degrees and rotates on its axis every 12 hours.
The planet has a total of 2 large moons and 10 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
g122800732100.14 gfrozen
g2112001081170.04 gfrozen

Snodoe-h is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 133 million km.

Snodoe-i is an ice giant with surface gravity of 1.73g, period of 799 days, diameter of 50400 km and orbiting at 164 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 25 degrees and rotates on its axis every 17 hours.
The planet has a total of 3 large moons and 11 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
i12320053270.16 gfrozen
i246200804120.34 gfrozen
i3230001067180.15 gfrozen

Snodoe-j is size 9, a surface gravity of 1.46g, a period of 997 days, a diameter of 15200 km and orbiting at 190 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 8 degrees and rotates on its axis every 32 hours.
It is a frozen world with 47% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 7 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
j112100659360.07 gfrozen

Snodoe-k is an ice giant with surface gravity of 1.8g, period of 1451 days, diameter of 56000 km and orbiting at 244 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 16 degrees and rotates on its axis every 9 hours.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 7 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
k111500828120.05 gfrozen

Return to list.

11. Pifrycra at location X-3, Y-3.

It has 2 stars, a yellow type G star and a type T brown dwarf star, which distantly orbit one another 3746 million km apart.
The primary's shadow extends 142 million km and the companion's jump shadow extends 6 million km.
There are 9 total planets, with 1 giant planets and 0 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the larger primary star in an S-type orbit.
It takes roughly 341 hours at 1g to travel from the primary star to the distant companion.
The best starport in the system is D and there are 3 potentially habitable worlds overall.

6.1x10^3 sophonts live in the system under law level 6 and they have an average tech level of 6.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 13200 credits and the overall system GDP is 8.05e+01 MCr.
Overall there is a corporation in charge of the system with 1 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Pifrycra is considered a frontier system.

Pifrycra has an individual influence of 0, and the Confederation has an influence of 9.
3 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Pifrycra has no bases and is under restriction status Green.
It is within 4 parsecs of 6 systems with at least 1 million population.
1 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.
Its trade characteristics are: Ag, Ds, Ni,

Primary Solar System Pifrycra-A

Pifrycra-Aa is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.6g, a period of 62 days, a diameter of 9000 km and orbiting at 46 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 25 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Pifrycra-Ab is size 4, a surface gravity of 0.33g, a period of 207 days, a diameter of 6100 km and orbiting at 103 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 10 degrees and rotates on its axis every 21 hours.
It is a warm world with 5% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
It is easily habitable and has a UWP code of D451316-6.
Pifrycra-Ab is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

This habitable world is the only one occupied as the system does not have effective space travel.

Pifrycra-Ab has an average temperature of 24 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 32 to 36 near the equator, 20 to 28 at 45 latitude, and 5 to 24 near the poles.

Pifrycra-Ac is size 8, a surface gravity of 1.2g, a period of 385 days, a diameter of 13400 km and orbiting at 156 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 17 degrees and rotates on its axis every 31 hours.
It is a cool world with 13% covered by water and a dense tainted atmosphere.
It is semi habitable and has a UWP code of D891316-6.
The conditions on this planet are favored by Insectans.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Pifrycra-Ac has an average temperature of 6 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 25 to 29 near the equator, -1 to 13 at 45 latitude, and -30 to 1 near the poles.

Pifrycra-Ad is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.77g, a period of 610 days, a diameter of 10600 km and orbiting at 212 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 20 degrees and rotates on its axis every 25 hours.
It is a cold world with 14% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
It is semi habitable and has a UWP code of D761316-6.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 4 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
d134900366430.26 gcycling daily
Pifrycra-Ad has an average temperature of 0 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 14 to 18 near the equator, -9 to 9 at 45 latitude, and -36 to 4 near the poles.

Pifrycra-Ae is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.49g, period of 1757 days, diameter of 111200 km and orbiting at 429 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 37 degrees and rotates on its axis every 18 hours.
The planet has a total of 6 large moons and 21 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
e12360061260.18 gfrozen
e21210081890.07 gfrozen
e3464001019120.36 gfrozen
e4115001279160.05 gfrozen
e5118001437190.06 gfrozen
e6118001663240.06 gfrozen

Pifrycra-Af is size 4, a surface gravity of 0.35g, a period of 3141 days, a diameter of 6300 km and orbiting at 632 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 19 degrees and rotates on its axis every 30 hours.
It is a frozen world with 38% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Pifrycra-Ag is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.72g, a period of 4942 days, a diameter of 10400 km and orbiting at 855 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 21 degrees and rotates on its axis every 21 hours.
It is a frozen world with 50% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Pifrycra-Ah is size A, a surface gravity of 1.39g, a period of 7173 days, a diameter of 16300 km and orbiting at 1096 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis every 25 hours.
It is a frozen world with 84% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 5 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
h146600647260.38 gfrozen

Pifrycra-Ai is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.45g, a period of 9043 days, a diameter of 8000 km and orbiting at 1279 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 16 degrees and rotates on its axis every 28 hours.
It is a frozen world with 8% covered by water and a thin, tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Return to list.

12. Mopatcrat at location X-3, Y-5.

It has 1 orange type K star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 72 million kilometers from the center of the star.
There are 6 total planets, with 1 giant planets and 3 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the primary star.
The best starport in the system is C and there are 0 potentially habitable worlds overall.

3.2x10^3 sophonts live in the system under law level 7 and they have an average tech level of 8.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 16800 credits and the overall system GDP is 5.38e+01 MCr.
Overall there is a corporation in charge of the system with 1 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Mopatcrat is considered a frontier system.

Mopatcrat has an individual influence of 0, and the Confederation has an influence of 9.
4 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Mopatcrat has a scout base, and is under restriction status Amber.
The Confederation base(s) contact 19 other systems weekly.
It is within 4 parsecs of 8 systems with at least 1 million population.
2 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.
Its trade characteristics are: Na, Va,

Primary Solar System Mopatcrat-

Mopatcrat-a is size 9, a surface gravity of 1.27g, a period of 43 days, a diameter of 14600 km and orbiting at 29 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 43 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Mopatcrat-b is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 60 million km.
Mopatcrat-b is the most habitable world in the system.
This belt is the most habitable region in the entire system with uwpcode C000317-8.

Mopatcrat-c is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.27g, period of 274 days, diameter of 93600 km and orbiting at 99 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 10 degrees and rotates on its axis every 11 hours.
The planet has a total of 3 large moons and 19 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
c11180073380.06 gcycling daily
c2112001014120.04 gcycling daily
c3343001399190.2 gcycling daily

Mopatcrat-d is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 201 million km.

Mopatcrat-e is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 334 million km.

Mopatcrat-f is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.97g, a period of 2844 days, a diameter of 11600 km and orbiting at 471 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 6 degrees and rotates on its axis every 34 hours.
It is a frozen world with 47% covered by water and a standard but tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 3 moons of size 0 or less.

Return to list.

13. Glymu at location X-3, Y-8.

It has 1 orange type K star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 78 million kilometers from the center of the star.
There are 11 total planets, with 2 giant planets and 1 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the primary star.
The best starport in the system is B and there are 1 potentially habitable worlds overall.

1.2x10^6 sophonts live in the system under law level 4 and they have an average tech level of 9.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 25200 credits and the overall system GDP is 3.02e+04 MCr.
Overall there is a republic in charge of the system with 2 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Glymu is considered an observer system.

Glymu has an individual influence of 7, and the Confederation has an influence of 4.
5 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Glymu has no bases and is under restriction status Green.
It is within 4 parsecs of 12 systems with at least 1 million population.
1 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.

Primary Solar System Glymu-

Glymu-a is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.77g, a period of 33 days, a diameter of 10600 km and orbiting at 25 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 13 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Glymu-b is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.8g, a period of 62 days, a diameter of 10000 km and orbiting at 38 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 31 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Glymu-c is size A, a surface gravity of 1.53g, a period of 89 days, a diameter of 16800 km and orbiting at 48 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 44 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and an exotic atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Glymu-d is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 66 million km.

Glymu-e is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.64g, a period of 308 days, a diameter of 9200 km and orbiting at 110 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 17 degrees and rotates on its axis every 27 hours.
It is a cool world with 29% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
It is easily habitable and has a UWP code of B653644-9.
Glymu-e is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Glymu-e has an average temperature of 5 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 17 to 21 near the equator, -1 to 11 at 45 latitude, and -23 to 5 near the poles.

Glymu-f is size 9, a surface gravity of 1.47g, a period of 400 days, a diameter of 15200 km and orbiting at 131 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 31 degrees and rotates on its axis every 29 hours.
It is a very cold world with 20% covered by water and a standard but tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Glymu-g is a gas giant with surface gravity of 1.73g, period of 1283 days, diameter of 50400 km and orbiting at 285 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 7 degrees and rotates on its axis every 14 hours.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 10 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
g11180077390.06 gfrozen

Glymu-h is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.96g, a period of 2190 days, a diameter of 11600 km and orbiting at 407 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 39 degrees and rotates on its axis every 24 hours.
It is a frozen world with 42% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Glymu-i is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.83g, a period of 3754 days, a diameter of 10100 km and orbiting at 583 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 3 degrees and rotates on its axis every 28 hours.
It is a frozen world with 88% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Glymu-j is an ice giant with surface gravity of 1.68g, period of 4918 days, diameter of 46400 km and orbiting at 698 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 13 degrees and rotates on its axis every 14 hours.
The planet has a total of 5 large moons and 12 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
j12300043750.15 gfrozen
j21180061280.06 gfrozen
j311200789120.04 gfrozen
j422800960160.14 gfrozen
j5468001087190.4 gfrozen

Glymu-k is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.84g, a period of 5888 days, a diameter of 11000 km and orbiting at 787 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 6 degrees and rotates on its axis every 28 hours.
It is a frozen world with 65% covered by water and a standard but tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Return to list.

14. Collobmit at location X-4, Y-1.

It has 2 stars, a red dwarf type M star and a type T brown dwarf star, which closely orbit one another at a distance of 18 million km.
The jump shadow of this binary system extends 34 million kilometers from the largest star.
There are 7 total planets, with 3 giant planets and 1 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the binary pair in a P-type circumbinary orbit.
The best starport in the system is C and there are 0 potentially habitable worlds overall.

1.7x10^4 sophonts live in the system under law level 6 and they have an average tech level of 8.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 20000 credits and the overall system GDP is 3.40e+02 MCr.
Overall there is a non-charismatic dictator in charge of the system with 1 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Collobmit is considered a frontier system.

Collobmit has an individual influence of 0, and the Confederation has an influence of 11.
2 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Collobmit has a scout base, and is under restriction status Green.
The Confederation base(s) contact 10 other systems weekly.
It is within 4 parsecs of 5 systems with at least 1 million population.
5 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.
Its trade characteristics are: Fl, Na, Va,

Primary Solar System Collobmit-AB

Collobmit-ABa is a gas giant with surface gravity of 1.98g, period of 402 days, diameter of 70400 km and orbiting at 104 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 20 degrees and rotates on its axis every 13 hours.
The planet has a total of 5 large moons and 12 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
a11180051050.06 gfrozen
a22300071380.15 gfrozen
a323600893110.18 gfrozen
a4234001154160.17 gfrozen
a5228001347200.14 gfrozen

Collobmit-ABb is size 8, a surface gravity of 0.94g, a period of 634 days, a diameter of 12500 km and orbiting at 141 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 16 degrees and rotates on its axis every 29 hours.
It is a frozen world with 31% covered by water and a dense tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 3 moons of size 0 or less.

Collobmit-ABc is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.79g, a period of 855 days, a diameter of 9900 km and orbiting at 172 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 24 degrees and rotates on its axis every 31 hours.
It is a frozen world with 57% covered by a hydrocarbon fluid ocean and an exotic atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Collobmit-ABd is an ice giant with surface gravity of 2.15g, period of 1024 days, diameter of 84000 km and orbiting at 194 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 13 degrees and rotates on its axis every 18 hours.
The planet has a total of 8 large moons and 14 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
d11120048850.04 gfrozen
d21210062580.07 gfrozen
d345700760100.29 gfrozen
d446700891130.39 gfrozen
d5115001083170.05 gfrozen
d6236001218200.18 gfrozen
d7112001335230.04 gfrozen
d8226001491270.13 gfrozen

Collobmit-ABe is size 8, a surface gravity of 1.22g, a period of 1137 days, a diameter of 13500 km and orbiting at 208 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 63 degrees and rotates on its axis every 27 hours.
It is a frozen world with 63% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Collobmit-ABf is an ice giant with surface gravity of 2.7g, period of 1427 days, diameter of 128000 km and orbiting at 242 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 30 degrees and rotates on its axis every 13 hours.
The planet has a total of 6 large moons and 15 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
f11180066470.06 gfrozen
f222600913120.13 gfrozen
f3121001184170.07 gfrozen
f4226001291190.13 gfrozen
f5469001543250.41 gfrozen
f6238001821320.19 gfrozen

Collobmit-ABg is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 285 million km.
Collobmit-ABg is the most habitable world in the system.
This belt is the most habitable region in the entire system with uwpcode C0004B6-8.

Return to list.

15. Haior at location X-4, Y-2.

It has 1 red dwarf type M star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 37 million kilometers from the center of the star.
There are 10 total planets, with 1 giant planets and 2 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the primary star.
The best starport in the system is X and there are 3 potentially habitable worlds overall.

3.0x10^3 sophonts live in the system under law level 1 and they have an average tech level of 6.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 9000 credits and the overall system GDP is 2.70e+01 MCr.
Overall there is a charismatic oligarchy in charge of the system with 2 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Haior is considered a frontier system.

Haior has an individual influence of 0, and the Confederation has an influence of 9.
2 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Haior has no bases and is under restriction status Green.
It is within 4 parsecs of 4 systems with at least 1 million population.
5 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.
Its trade characteristics are: Ag, Po,

Primary Solar System Haior-

Haior-a is a gas giant with surface gravity of 1.89g, period of 25 days, diameter of 63200 km and orbiting at 16 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 10 days.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 4 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
a123600870110.18 gboiling

Haior-b is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.43g, a period of 35 days, a diameter of 7800 km and orbiting at 20 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 35 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a very thin tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Haior-c is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.39g, a period of 61 days, a diameter of 7400 km and orbiting at 29 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 25 degrees and rotates on its axis every 26 hours.
It is a warm world with 51% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
It is easily habitable and has a UWP code of X5553C1-6.
The conditions on this planet are favored by Reptilians.
Haior-c is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

This habitable world is the only one occupied as the system does not have effective space travel.

Haior-c has an average temperature of 25 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 34 to 38 near the equator, 21 to 29 at 45 latitude, and 6 to 22 near the poles.

Haior-d is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.72g, a period of 91 days, a diameter of 10400 km and orbiting at 38 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 16 degrees and rotates on its axis every 31 hours.
It is a temperate world with 29% covered by water and a standard but tainted atmosphere.
It is semi habitable and has a UWP code of X7733C1-6.
The conditions on this planet are favored by Insectans.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Haior-d has an average temperature of 14 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 28 to 32 near the equator, 10 to 18 at 45 latitude, and -10 to 6 near the poles.

Haior-e is size 8, a surface gravity of 0.99g, a period of 134 days, a diameter of 12700 km and orbiting at 49 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 5 degrees and rotates on its axis every 33 hours.
It is a very cold world with 39% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
It is barely habitable and has a UWP code of X8643C1-6.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Haior-e has an average temperature of -15 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 3 to 7 near the equator, -18 to -12 at 45 latitude, and -41 to -28 near the poles.

Haior-f is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.88g, a period of 253 days, a diameter of 11200 km and orbiting at 75 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 29 degrees and rotates on its axis every 27 hours.
It is a frozen world with 89% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Haior-g is size 4, a surface gravity of 0.38g, a period of 425 days, a diameter of 6600 km and orbiting at 106 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 15 degrees and rotates on its axis every 26 hours.
It is a frozen world with 38% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 3 moons of size 0 or less.

Haior-h is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.72g, a period of 694 days, a diameter of 10400 km and orbiting at 147 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 17 degrees and rotates on its axis every 37 hours.
It is a frozen world with 71% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Haior-i is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 177 million km.

Haior-j is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 198 million km.

Return to list.

16. Risrab at location X-4, Y-3.

It has 2 stars, a type D white dwarf star and a red dwarf type M star, which closely orbit one another at a distance of 16 million km.
The jump shadow of this binary system extends 215 million kilometers from the largest star.
There are 5 total planets, with 0 giant planets and 0 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the binary pair in a P-type circumbinary orbit.
The best starport in the system is C and there are 0 potentially habitable worlds overall.

9.0x10^5 sophonts live in the system under law level 1 and they have an average tech level of 8.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 16800 credits and the overall system GDP is 1.51e+04 MCr.
Overall there is an impersonal bureaucracy in charge of the system with 3 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Risrab is considered a frontier system.

Risrab has an individual influence of 0, and the Confederation has an influence of 9.
3 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Risrab has a scout base, and is under restriction status Green.
The Confederation base(s) contact 13 other systems weekly.
It is within 4 parsecs of 5 systems with at least 1 million population.
1 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.
Its trade characteristics are: Na,

Primary Solar System Risrab-AB

Risrab-ABa is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.72g, a period of 140 days, a diameter of 9600 km and orbiting at 96 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 15 degrees and rotates on its axis every 22 hours.
It is a frozen world with 15% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
It is not habitable and has a UWP code of C682591-8.
Risrab-ABa is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Risrab-ABb is size A, a surface gravity of 1.42g, a period of 216 days, a diameter of 16400 km and orbiting at 128 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 8 degrees and rotates on its axis every 31 hours.
It is a frozen world with 53% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Risrab-ABc is size 4, a surface gravity of 0.29g, a period of 336 days, a diameter of 5700 km and orbiting at 172 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 11 degrees and rotates on its axis every 31 hours.
It is a frozen world with 34% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 3 moons of size 0 or less.

Risrab-ABd is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.84g, a period of 434 days, a diameter of 10200 km and orbiting at 204 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 20 degrees and rotates on its axis every 30 hours.
It is a frozen world with 55% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Risrab-ABe is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.46g, a period of 610 days, a diameter of 8100 km and orbiting at 256 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 10 degrees and rotates on its axis every 30 hours.
It is a frozen world with 66% covered by water and a very thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Return to list.

17. Kinvittel at location X-4, Y-6.

It has 1 type T brown dwarf star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 6 million kilometers from the center of the star.
This lonely failed star sits silently in the blackness of space.
There are 0 total planets, with 0 giant planets and 0 asteroid belts in this system.
The best starport in the system is X and there are 0 potentially habitable worlds overall.

0.0x10^0 sophonts live in the system under law level 0 and they have an average tech level of 0.

Overall there is no effective government in charge of the system with 0 factions present.

Based on the population and tech level, Kinvittel is considered a frontier system.

Kinvittel has an individual influence of 0, and the Confederation has an influence of 4.
2 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Kinvittel has no bases and is under restriction status Amber.
It is within 4 parsecs of 7 systems with at least 1 million population.
0 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.

18. Atitiofro at location X-4, Y-10.

It has 1 yellow type G star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 128 million kilometers from the center of the star.
There are 9 total planets, with 3 giant planets and 1 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the primary star.
The best starport in the system is X and there are 1 potentially habitable worlds overall.

5.7x10^4 sophonts live in the system under law level 4 and they have an average tech level of 5.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 7500 credits and the overall system GDP is 4.28e+02 MCr.
Overall there is a corporation in charge of the system with 1 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Atitiofro is considered a frontier system.

Atitiofro has an individual influence of 0, and the Confederation has an influence of 13.
6 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Atitiofro has a scout base, and is under restriction status Green.
The Confederation base(s) contact 23 other systems weekly.
It is within 4 parsecs of 14 systems with at least 1 million population.
2 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.
Its trade characteristics are: Ic, Lt, Po,

Primary Solar System Atitiofro-

Atitiofro-a is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.41g, a period of 107 days, a diameter of 7600 km and orbiting at 64 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 107 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Atitiofro-b is size 9, a surface gravity of 1g, a period of 356 days, a diameter of 13700 km and orbiting at 143 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 26 degrees and rotates on its axis every 29 hours.
It is a hot world with 0% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Atitiofro-c is a gas giant with surface gravity of 1.83g, period of 736 days, diameter of 58400 km and orbiting at 232 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 20 degrees and rotates on its axis every 16 hours.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 15 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
c123800842100.19 gcool

Atitiofro-d is size 4, a surface gravity of 0.32g, a period of 1170 days, a diameter of 6000 km and orbiting at 316 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 18 degrees and rotates on its axis every 26 hours.
It is a cold world with 59% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
It is semi habitable and has a UWP code of X466414-5.
The conditions on this planet are favored by Avians.
Atitiofro-d is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

This habitable world is the only one occupied as the system does not have effective space travel.

Atitiofro-d has an average temperature of -2 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 5 to 9 near the equator, -13 to 9 at 45 latitude, and -34 to 12 near the poles.

Atitiofro-e is size 8, a surface gravity of 0.98g, a period of 3372 days, a diameter of 12700 km and orbiting at 640 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 11 degrees and rotates on its axis every 23 hours.
It is a frozen world with 42% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Atitiofro-f is an ice giant with surface gravity of 2.23g, period of 5308 days, diameter of 90400 km and orbiting at 866 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 37 degrees and rotates on its axis every 14 hours.
The planet has a total of 5 large moons and 15 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
f11150058070.05 gfrozen
f235300795110.3 gfrozen
f3351001016150.28 gfrozen
f4349001262210.26 gfrozen
f5234001517270.17 gfrozen

Atitiofro-g is a gas giant with surface gravity of 1.72g, period of 7964 days, diameter of 49600 km and orbiting at 1135 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 27 degrees and rotates on its axis every 15 hours.
The planet has a total of 2 large moons and 12 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
g12280062770.14 gfrozen
g246700945130.39 gfrozen

Atitiofro-h is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.84g, a period of 12003 days, a diameter of 11000 km and orbiting at 1492 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 27 degrees and rotates on its axis every 28 hours.
It is a frozen world with 5% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Atitiofro-i is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 1780 million km.

Return to list.

19. Garsla at location X-5, Y-1.

It has 1 red dwarf type M star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 33 million kilometers from the center of the star.
There are 10 total planets, with 3 giant planets and 2 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the primary star.
The best starport in the system is B and there are 1 potentially habitable worlds overall.

8.1x10^5 sophonts live in the system under law level 7 and they have an average tech level of 9.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 24300 credits and the overall system GDP is 1.97e+04 MCr.
Overall there is a feudal technocracy in charge of the system with 4 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Garsla is considered a frontier system.

Garsla has an individual influence of 4, and the Confederation has an influence of 9.
2 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Garsla has a scout base, and is under restriction status Amber.
The Confederation base(s) contact 11 other systems weekly.
It is within 4 parsecs of 6 systems with at least 1 million population.
2 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.

Primary Solar System Garsla-

Garsla-a is size 4, a surface gravity of 0.36g, a period of 29 days, a diameter of 6400 km and orbiting at 17 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 19 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Garsla-b is a gas giant with surface gravity of 1.79g, period of 48 days, diameter of 55200 km and orbiting at 24 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 19 days.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 4 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
b135400841100.31 gcycling daily

Garsla-c is size 8, a surface gravity of 0.93g, a period of 85 days, a diameter of 12500 km and orbiting at 35 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 9 degrees and rotates on its axis every 26 hours.
It is a hot world with 2% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Garsla-d is size 7, a surface gravity of 1.02g, a period of 124 days, a diameter of 11900 km and orbiting at 45 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 52 degrees and rotates on its axis every 29 hours.
It is a cool world with 70% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
It is easily habitable and has a UWP code of B757557-9.
Garsla-d is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Garsla-d has an average temperature of 9 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 25 to 29 near the equator, 2 to 16 at 45 latitude, and -25 to 7 near the poles.

Garsla-e is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 54 million km.

Garsla-f is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 88 million km.

Garsla-g is a gas giant with surface gravity of 1.77g, period of 559 days, diameter of 53600 km and orbiting at 123 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 27 degrees and rotates on its axis every 14 hours.
The planet has a total of 3 large moons and 6 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
g11150053960.05 gfrozen
g223600824100.18 gfrozen
g3112001048140.04 gfrozen

Garsla-h is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.77g, a period of 723 days, a diameter of 10600 km and orbiting at 146 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 8 degrees and rotates on its axis every 28 hours.
It is a frozen world with 28% covered by water and a standard but tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Garsla-i is an ice giant with surface gravity of 1.73g, period of 1073 days, diameter of 50400 km and orbiting at 190 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 21 degrees and rotates on its axis every 14 hours.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 4 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
i122400828130.12 gfrozen

Garsla-j is size 8, a surface gravity of 1.24g, a period of 1430 days, a diameter of 13500 km and orbiting at 230 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 25 degrees and rotates on its axis every 34 hours.
It is a frozen world with 87% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Return to list.

20. Robnobpap at location X-5, Y-8.

It has 1 red dwarf type M star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 34 million kilometers from the center of the star.
There are 9 total planets, with 2 giant planets and 3 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the primary star.
The best starport in the system is D and there are 2 potentially habitable worlds overall.

7.8x10^6 sophonts live in the system under law level 2 and they have an average tech level of 6.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 11400 credits and the overall system GDP is 8.89e+04 MCr.
Overall there is an oligarchy in charge of the system with 4 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Robnobpap is considered a frontier system.

Robnobpap has an individual influence of 0, and the Confederation has an influence of 10.
5 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Robnobpap has a scout base, and is under restriction status Green.
The Confederation base(s) contact 21 other systems weekly.
It is within 4 parsecs of 12 systems with at least 1 million population.
2 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.
Its trade characteristics are: Na,

Primary Solar System Robnobpap-

Robnobpap-a is size 8, a surface gravity of 1.23g, a period of 39 days, a diameter of 13500 km and orbiting at 21 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 20 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a standard but tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Robnobpap-b is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.48g, a period of 67 days, a diameter of 8300 km and orbiting at 30 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 39 degrees and rotates on its axis every 36 hours.
It is a warm world with 48% covered by water and a very thin atmosphere.
It is barely habitable and has a UWP code of D535632-6.
The conditions on this planet are favored by Reptilians.
Robnobpap-b is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

This habitable world is the only one occupied as the system does not have effective space travel.

Robnobpap-b has an average temperature of 25 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 36 to 40 near the equator, 21 to 29 at 45 latitude, and 3 to 22 near the poles.

Robnobpap-c is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 40 million km.

Robnobpap-d is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.73g, a period of 140 days, a diameter of 10400 km and orbiting at 49 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 7 degrees and rotates on its axis every 30 hours.
It is a frozen world with 66% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 5 moons of size 0 or less.

Robnobpap-e is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 93 million km.

Robnobpap-f is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 130 million km.

Robnobpap-g is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.65g, period of 872 days, diameter of 124000 km and orbiting at 166 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 8 degrees and rotates on its axis every 9 hours.
The planet has a total of 2 large moons and 8 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
g123400955100.17 gfrozen
g2232001441190.16 gfrozen

Robnobpap-h is size 7, a surface gravity of 1g, a period of 1179 days, a diameter of 11800 km and orbiting at 203 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 7 degrees and rotates on its axis every 33 hours.
It is a frozen world with 51% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Robnobpap-i is a gas giant with surface gravity of 1.8g, period of 1592 days, diameter of 56000 km and orbiting at 248 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 39 degrees and rotates on its axis every 17 hours.
The planet has a total of 8 large moons and 21 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
i14630039640.35 gfrozen barely D475632-6
i21150051850.05 gfrozen
i32260063670.13 gfrozen
i42260076190.13 gfrozen
i512100898110.07 gfrozen
i6118001029140.06 gfrozen
i7347001118160.24 gfrozen
i8352001248180.29 gfrozen
This habitable world has volcanic vents which provide enough heat for life to exist.

Return to list.

21. Stehotmar at location X-6, Y-2.

It has 1 orange type K star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 73 million kilometers from the center of the star.
There are 11 total planets, with 3 giant planets and 2 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the primary star.
The best starport in the system is C and there are 1 potentially habitable worlds overall.

7.2x10^6 sophonts live in the system under law level 3 and they have an average tech level of 8.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 21600 credits and the overall system GDP is 1.56e+05 MCr.
Overall there is an oligarchy in charge of the system with 3 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Stehotmar is considered an observer system.

Stehotmar has an individual influence of 0, and the Confederation has an influence of 6.
1 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Stehotmar has a scout base, and is under restriction status Green.
The Confederation base(s) contact 13 other systems weekly.
It is within 4 parsecs of 4 systems with at least 1 million population.
1 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.
Its trade characteristics are: Na,

Primary Solar System Stehotmar-

Stehotmar-a is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.4g, a period of 33 days, a diameter of 7500 km and orbiting at 24 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 13 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Stehotmar-b is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.83g, a period of 60 days, a diameter of 10900 km and orbiting at 36 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 60 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Stehotmar-c is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.4g, period of 86 days, diameter of 104000 km and orbiting at 46 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 86 days.
There are 6 rings encircling this giant planet.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 8 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
c1230001083130.15 gcycling daily

Stehotmar-d is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 60 million km.

Stehotmar-e is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.76g, period of 319 days, diameter of 132800 km and orbiting at 110 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 6 degrees and rotates on its axis every 11 hours.
Moon Stehotmar-e7 is the most habitable world in the system.
Stehotmar-e7 is the homeworld of the Stehotmans, a minor race.
The planet has a total of 7 large moons and 23 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
e11120066960.04 gcycling daily
e22360089990.18 gcycling daily
e3230001063120.15 gcool
e4351001283150.28 gcycling daily
e5234001477190.17 gcycling daily
e6352001718240.29 gcycling daily
e7226001929280.13 gcool barely C235633-8
Moon e7 has an average temperature of 1 degrees celsius.
  Avg temps range from 3 to 7 near the equator, -3 to 5 at 45 latitude, and -12 to 6 near the poles.

Stehotmar-f is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.51g, period of 439 days, diameter of 112800 km and orbiting at 136 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 28 degrees and rotates on its axis every 11 hours.
The planet has a total of 3 large moons and 11 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
f11120076480.04 gcycling daily
f2230001132140.15 gcycling daily
f3112001502200.04 gcycling daily

Stehotmar-g is size 4, a surface gravity of 0.32g, a period of 1269 days, a diameter of 6000 km and orbiting at 276 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 7 degrees and rotates on its axis every 25 hours.
It is a frozen world with 93% covered by water and a very thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Stehotmar-h is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.56g, a period of 2460 days, a diameter of 8800 km and orbiting at 429 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 16 degrees and rotates on its axis every 27 hours.
It is a frozen world with 85% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Stehotmar-i is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 539 million km.

Stehotmar-j is size A, a surface gravity of 1.22g, a period of 4673 days, a diameter of 15700 km and orbiting at 658 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 15 degrees and rotates on its axis every 29 hours.
It is a frozen world with 25% covered by water and a standard but tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 4 moons of size 0 or less.

Stehotmar-k is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.38g, a period of 5249 days, a diameter of 7300 km and orbiting at 711 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 63 degrees and rotates on its axis every 34 hours.
It is a frozen world with 0% covered by water and a trace atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Return to list.

22. Quithanmol at location X-6, Y-6.

It has 1 red dwarf type M star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 39 million kilometers from the center of the star.
There are 8 total planets, with 2 giant planets and 2 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the primary star.
The best starport in the system is B and there are 1 potentially habitable worlds overall.

4.7x10^4 sophonts live in the system under law level 8 and they have an average tech level of 9.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 18900 credits and the overall system GDP is 8.88e+02 MCr.
Overall there is a captive government in charge of the system with 0 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Quithanmol is considered a frontier system.

Quithanmol has an individual influence of 0, and the Confederation has an influence of 3.
3 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Quithanmol has no bases and is under restriction status Red.
It is within 4 parsecs of 7 systems with at least 1 million population.
3 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.

Primary Solar System Quithanmol-

Quithanmol-a is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.54g, a period of 24 days, a diameter of 8700 km and orbiting at 16 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 24 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Quithanmol-b is a gas giant with surface gravity of 1.7g, period of 34 days, diameter of 48000 km and orbiting at 20 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 17 days.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 7 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
b13440077690.21 gcycling daily

Quithanmol-c is size 8, a surface gravity of 1.2g, a period of 65 days, a diameter of 13400 km and orbiting at 31 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 43 degrees and rotates on its axis every 23 hours.
It is a warm world with 26% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
It is easily habitable and has a UWP code of B883468-9.
Quithanmol-c is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 3 moons of size 0 or less.

Quithanmol-c has an average temperature of 28 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 47 to 51 near the equator, 23 to 33 at 45 latitude, and -3 to 18 near the poles.

Quithanmol-d is a gas giant with surface gravity of 1.81g, period of 99 days, diameter of 56800 km and orbiting at 41 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 2 degrees and rotates on its axis every 14 hours.
The planet has a total of 4 large moons and 11 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
d12280050750.14 gcycling daily
d22380071080.19 gcycling daily
d323000933120.15 gfrozen
d4236001194170.18 gcycling daily

Quithanmol-e is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.37g, a period of 203 days, a diameter of 7200 km and orbiting at 66 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 3 degrees and rotates on its axis every 31 hours.
It is a frozen world with 42% covered by water and a very thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Quithanmol-f is size 4, a surface gravity of 0.41g, a period of 419 days, a diameter of 6900 km and orbiting at 107 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 7 degrees and rotates on its axis every 28 hours.
It is a frozen world with 98% covered by water and a very thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Quithanmol-g is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 136 million km.

Quithanmol-h is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 181 million km.

Return to list.

23. Lanfog at location X-6, Y-7.

It has 1 orange type K star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 73 million kilometers from the center of the star.
There are 9 total planets, with 5 giant planets and 0 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the primary star.
The best starport in the system is A and there are 2 potentially habitable worlds overall.

6.5x10^8 sophonts live in the system under law level 2 and they have an average tech level of A.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 35000 credits and the overall system GDP is 2.28e+07 MCr.
Overall there is an oligarchy in charge of the system with 2 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Lanfog is considered a member system.

Lanfog has an individual influence of 14, and the Confederation has an influence of 7.
    Lanfog is independent of control from any nearby system.
2 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

The following worlds are part of Lanfog's pocket empire.

Lanfog has a consulate, an explorer hostel, and is under restriction status Green.
The Confederation base(s) contact 17 other systems weekly.
It is within 4 parsecs of 6 systems with at least 1 million population.
4 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.

Primary Solar System Lanfog-

Lanfog-a is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.76g, period of 45 days, diameter of 132800 km and orbiting at 30 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 18 days.
The planet has a total of 3 large moons and 13 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
a12240083980.12 gboiling
a2115001258150.05 gcycling daily
a3115001651220.05 gcycling daily

Lanfog-b is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.3g, period of 103 days, diameter of 96000 km and orbiting at 52 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 11 degrees and rotates on its axis every 10 hours.
The planet has a total of 4 large moons and 14 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
b11120062560.04 gcycling daily
b235000884100.27 gcycling daily
b3115001161150.05 gcycling daily
b4350001472210.27 gcycling daily

Lanfog-c is size 8, a surface gravity of 1.15g, a period of 201 days, a diameter of 13200 km and orbiting at 81 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 27 degrees and rotates on its axis every 32 hours.
It is a temperate world with 56% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
It is easily habitable and has a UWP code of A886832-A.
Lanfog-c is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 7 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
c111800514390.06 gcycling daily
Lanfog-c has an average temperature of 12 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 30 to 34 near the equator, 5 to 19 at 45 latitude, and -22 to 6 near the poles.

Lanfog-d is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.65g, a period of 255 days, a diameter of 9200 km and orbiting at 95 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 7 degrees and rotates on its axis every 28 hours.
It is a very cold world with 28% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
It is barely habitable and has a UWP code of A653832-A.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Lanfog-d has an average temperature of -14 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from -2 to 2 near the equator, -18 to -10 at 45 latitude, and -37 to -19 near the poles.

Lanfog-e is size 4, a surface gravity of 0.37g, a period of 773 days, a diameter of 6500 km and orbiting at 199 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 4 degrees and rotates on its axis every 38 hours.
It is a frozen world with 42% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Lanfog-f is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.77g, a period of 1489 days, a diameter of 10600 km and orbiting at 308 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 36 degrees and rotates on its axis every 29 hours.
It is a frozen world with 49% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 4 moons of size 0 or less.

Lanfog-g is an ice giant with surface gravity of 2.6g, period of 2604 days, diameter of 120000 km and orbiting at 447 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 18 degrees and rotates on its axis every 10 hours.
The planet has a total of 10 large moons and 15 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
g14580057560.3 gfrozen
g21120069380.04 gfrozen
g335200842110.29 gfrozen
g411800965130.06 gfrozen
g5118001160170.06 gfrozen
g6112001255190.04 gfrozen
g7465001424230.37 gfrozen
g8234001520250.17 gfrozen
g9459001710300.31 gfrozen
g10344001872340.21 gfrozen

Lanfog-h is a gas giant with surface gravity of 1.67g, period of 3419 days, diameter of 45600 km and orbiting at 536 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 10 degrees and rotates on its axis every 11 hours.
The planet has a total of 2 large moons and 15 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
h14640060270.36 gfrozen
h223400936130.17 gfrozen

Lanfog-i is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.76g, period of 4120 days, diameter of 132800 km and orbiting at 607 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 27 degrees and rotates on its axis every 15 hours.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 9 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
i1465001258150.37 gfrozen

Return to list.

24. Fille at location X-6, Y-10.

It has 1 red dwarf type M star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 39 million kilometers from the center of the star.
There are 10 total planets, with 3 giant planets and 0 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the primary star.
The best starport in the system is D and there are 1 potentially habitable worlds overall.

6.0x10^4 sophonts live in the system under law level 4 and they have an average tech level of 6.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 10200 credits and the overall system GDP is 6.12e+02 MCr.
Overall there is a charismatic oligarchy in charge of the system with 3 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Fille is considered a frontier system.

Fille has an individual influence of 0, and the Confederation has an influence of 16.
8 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Fille has no bases and is under restriction status Green.
It is within 4 parsecs of 16 systems with at least 1 million population.
3 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.
Its trade characteristics are: Na,

Primary Solar System Fille-

Fille-a is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.82g, a period of 24 days, a diameter of 10100 km and orbiting at 16 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 10 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a standard but tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Fille-b is size 9, a surface gravity of 1.28g, a period of 34 days, a diameter of 14600 km and orbiting at 20 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 17 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a standard but tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Fille-c is a gas giant with surface gravity of 1.87g, period of 63 days, diameter of 61600 km and orbiting at 30 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 13 degrees and rotates on its axis every 16 hours.
Moon Fille-c2 is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 3 large moons and 20 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
c11210057560.07 gcycling daily
c223000861110.15 gwarm barely D2344C4-6 Reptilians
c3112001187170.04 gcycling daily

This habitable world is the only one occupied as the system does not have effective space travel.

Moon c2 has an average temperature of 29 degrees celsius.
  Avg temps range from 32 to 36 near the equator, 26 to 32 at 45 latitude, and 17 to 32 near the poles.

Fille-d is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.18g, period of 100 days, diameter of 86400 km and orbiting at 41 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 26 degrees and rotates on its axis every 11 hours.
There are 6 rings encircling this giant planet.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 8 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
d1468001034130.4 gcycling daily

Fille-e is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.86g, a period of 143 days, a diameter of 11100 km and orbiting at 52 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 31 degrees and rotates on its axis every 34 hours.
It is a frozen world with 56% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Fille-f is size 9, a surface gravity of 1.19g, a period of 304 days, a diameter of 14300 km and orbiting at 86 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 17 degrees and rotates on its axis every 38 hours.
It is a frozen world with 53% covered by a hydrocarbon fluid ocean and an insidious atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Fille-g is an ice giant with surface gravity of 2.29g, period of 494 days, diameter of 95200 km and orbiting at 119 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 18 degrees and rotates on its axis every 17 hours.
The planet has a total of 2 large moons and 15 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
g147000850110.42 gfrozen
g2232001245200.16 gfrozen

Fille-h is size 9, a surface gravity of 1.39g, a period of 720 days, a diameter of 15000 km and orbiting at 153 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 14 degrees and rotates on its axis every 23 hours.
It is a frozen world with 82% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Fille-i is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.71g, a period of 889 days, a diameter of 9500 km and orbiting at 176 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 22 degrees and rotates on its axis every 23 hours.
It is a frozen world with 24% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Fille-j is size 4, a surface gravity of 0.43g, a period of 1052 days, a diameter of 7100 km and orbiting at 197 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 39 degrees and rotates on its axis every 24 hours.
It is a frozen world with 54% covered by water and a very thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Return to list.

25. Sagsep at location X-8, Y-5.

It has 2 stars, a type D white dwarf star and a red dwarf type M star, which closely orbit one another at a distance of 10 million km.
The jump shadow of this binary system extends 131 million kilometers from the largest star.
There are 3 total planets, with 2 giant planets and 0 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the binary pair in a P-type circumbinary orbit.
The best starport in the system is C and there are 0 potentially habitable worlds overall.

1.7x10^4 sophonts live in the system under law level 6 and they have an average tech level of 8.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 15200 credits and the overall system GDP is 2.58e+02 MCr.
Overall there is a captive government in charge of the system with 3 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Sagsep is considered a frontier system.

Sagsep has an individual influence of 0, and the Confederation has an influence of 9.
4 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Sagsep has a scout base, and is under restriction status Amber.
The Confederation base(s) contact 15 other systems weekly.
It is within 4 parsecs of 7 systems with at least 1 million population.
4 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.
Its trade characteristics are: Na,

Primary Solar System Sagsep-AB

Sagsep-ABa is size 8, a surface gravity of 1.11g, a period of 118 days, a diameter of 13100 km and orbiting at 75 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 22 degrees and rotates on its axis every 27 hours.
It is a frozen world with 97% covered by water and a standard but tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Sagsep-ABb is an ice giant with surface gravity of 2.28g, period of 171 days, diameter of 94400 km and orbiting at 96 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 15 degrees and rotates on its axis every 15 hours.
The planet has a total of 3 large moons and 15 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
b11120070090.04 gfrozen
b2354001070160.31 gfrozen
b3118001378230.06 gfrozen

Sagsep-ABc is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.47g, period of 251 days, diameter of 109600 km and orbiting at 124 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 25 degrees and rotates on its axis every 11 hours.
There are 3 rings encircling this giant planet.
Moon Sagsep-ABc1 is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 2 large moons and 11 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
c134400899100.21 gfrozen
c2232001384180.16 gfrozen

Return to list.

26. Lagtujet at location X-8, Y-6.

It has 2 stars, a type D white dwarf star and a red dwarf type M star, which closely orbit one another at a distance of 10 million km.
The jump shadow of this binary system extends 117 million kilometers from the largest star.
There are 10 total planets, with 2 giant planets and 2 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the binary pair in a P-type circumbinary orbit.
The best starport in the system is D and there are 1 potentially habitable worlds overall.

6.2x10^4 sophonts live in the system under law level 4 and they have an average tech level of 8.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 18400 credits and the overall system GDP is 1.14e+03 MCr.
Overall there is an oligarchy in charge of the system with 1 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Lagtujet is considered a frontier system.

Lagtujet has an individual influence of 0, and the Confederation has an influence of 11.
4 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Lagtujet has a scout base, and is under restriction status Green.
The Confederation base(s) contact 14 other systems weekly.
It is within 4 parsecs of 9 systems with at least 1 million population.
5 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.
Its trade characteristics are: Fl,

Primary Solar System Lagtujet-AB

Lagtujet-ABa is size 4, a surface gravity of 0.39g, a period of 60 days, a diameter of 6700 km and orbiting at 46 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 18 degrees and rotates on its axis every 37 hours.
It is a hot world with 56% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
It is semi habitable and has a UWP code of D466434-8.
The conditions on this planet are favored by Reptilians.
Lagtujet-ABa is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Lagtujet-ABa has an average temperature of 33 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 42 to 46 near the equator, 30 to 36 at 45 latitude, and 15 to 30 near the poles.

Lagtujet-ABb is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 56 million km.

Lagtujet-ABc is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.62g, a period of 103 days, a diameter of 9100 km and orbiting at 66 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 17 degrees and rotates on its axis every 27 hours.
It is a frozen world with 37% covered by water and a thin, tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Lagtujet-ABd is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.71g, period of 189 days, diameter of 128801 km and orbiting at 99 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 12 degrees and rotates on its axis every 12 hours.
The planet has a total of 3 large moons and 17 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
d14580085890.3 gfrozen
d2343001198140.2 gfrozen
d3346001621220.23 gfrozen

Lagtujet-ABe is an ice giant with surface gravity of 1.79g, period of 275 days, diameter of 55200 km and orbiting at 127 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 15 degrees and rotates on its axis every 17 hours.
The planet has a total of 4 large moons and 18 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
e11120049260.04 gfrozen
e223200724100.16 gfrozen
e323000904140.15 gfrozen
e4461001146200.33 gfrozen

Lagtujet-ABf is size 9, a surface gravity of 1.19g, a period of 397 days, a diameter of 14300 km and orbiting at 162 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 20 degrees and rotates on its axis every 30 hours.
It is a frozen world with 45% covered by water and a standard but tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 3 moons of size 0 or less.

Lagtujet-ABg is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 195 million km.

Lagtujet-ABh is size 9, a surface gravity of 1.39g, a period of 715 days, a diameter of 15000 km and orbiting at 240 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 16 degrees and rotates on its axis every 27 hours.
It is a frozen world with 56% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Lagtujet-ABi is size A, a surface gravity of 1.43g, a period of 994 days, a diameter of 16400 km and orbiting at 299 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 5 degrees and rotates on its axis every 28 hours.
It is a frozen world with 53% covered by a hydrocarbon fluid ocean and an exotic atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Lagtujet-ABj is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.39g, a period of 1249 days, a diameter of 7400 km and orbiting at 348 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 15 degrees and rotates on its axis every 35 hours.
It is a frozen world with 37% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Return to list.

27. Tavwas at location X-8, Y-7.

It has 2 stars, a red dwarf type M star and a red dwarf type M star, which closely orbit one another at a distance of 13 million km.
The jump shadow of this binary system extends 34 million kilometers from the largest star.
There are 7 total planets, with 3 giant planets and 1 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the binary pair in a P-type circumbinary orbit.
The best starport in the system is C and there are 1 potentially habitable worlds overall.

4.3x10^6 sophonts live in the system under law level 1 and they have an average tech level of 9.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 24300 credits and the overall system GDP is 1.04e+05 MCr.
Overall there is a republic in charge of the system with 4 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Tavwas is considered an observer system.

Tavwas has an individual influence of 7, and the Confederation has an influence of 14.
5 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Tavwas has a scout base, and is under restriction status Green.
The Confederation base(s) contact 15 other systems weekly.
It is within 4 parsecs of 9 systems with at least 1 million population.
4 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.
Its trade characteristics are: Ds,

Primary Solar System Tavwas-AB

Tavwas-ABa is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.76g, a period of 120 days, a diameter of 9800 km and orbiting at 56 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 1 degrees and rotates on its axis every 20 hours.
It is a warm world with 10% covered by water and a standard but tainted atmosphere.
It is semi habitable and has a UWP code of C671641-9.
The conditions on this planet are favored by Insectans.
Tavwas-ABa is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Tavwas-ABa has an average temperature of 22 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 35 to 39 near the equator, 19 to 25 at 45 latitude, and 1 to 13 near the poles.

Tavwas-ABb is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 71 million km.

Tavwas-ABc is size A, a surface gravity of 1.32g, a period of 525 days, a diameter of 16100 km and orbiting at 150 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 40 degrees and rotates on its axis every 31 hours.
It is a frozen world with 33% covered by water and a very dense, unbreatheable atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 4 moons of size 0 or less.

Tavwas-ABd is an ice giant with surface gravity of 1.77g, period of 940 days, diameter of 53600 km and orbiting at 221 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 40 degrees and rotates on its axis every 11 hours.
The planet has a total of 3 large moons and 7 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
d13530055570.3 gfrozen
d245600848130.28 gfrozen
d3352001134200.29 gfrozen

Tavwas-ABe is an ice giant with surface gravity of 2.19g, period of 1234 days, diameter of 87200 km and orbiting at 265 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 32 degrees and rotates on its axis every 9 hours.
The planet has a total of 3 large moons and 18 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
e14710069390.43 gfrozen
e2115001039160.05 gfrozen
e3232001336230.16 gfrozen

Tavwas-ABf is size 8, a surface gravity of 1.19g, a period of 1539 days, a diameter of 13400 km and orbiting at 307 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 37 degrees and rotates on its axis every 30 hours.
It is a frozen world with 16% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 5 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
f123600527400.18 gfrozen

Tavwas-ABg is an ice giant with surface gravity of 2.49g, period of 1857 days, diameter of 111200 km and orbiting at 348 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 15 degrees and rotates on its axis every 9 hours.
The planet has a total of 3 large moons and 13 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
g12260076590.13 gfrozen
g2456001146170.28 gfrozen
g3112001444240.04 gfrozen

Return to list.

28. Rabzoo at location X-8, Y-8.

It has 1 protostar system beginning to form a star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 182 million kilometers from the center of the star.
The bulging disk of primal particles spin rapidly near the center with decreasing quantities of
gas and dust as you head out to the distant reaches of this future solar system.
There are 0 total planets, with 0 giant planets and 0 asteroid belts in this system.
The best starport in the system is X and there are 0 potentially habitable worlds overall.

0.0x10^0 sophonts live in the system under law level 0 and they have an average tech level of 0.

Overall there is no effective government in charge of the system with 0 factions present.

Based on the population and tech level, Rabzoo is considered a frontier system.

Rabzoo has an individual influence of 0, and the Confederation has an influence of 15.
6 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Rabzoo has no bases and is under restriction status Amber.
It is within 4 parsecs of 11 systems with at least 1 million population.
6 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.

29. Sinsap at location X-8, Y-10.

It has 1 orange type K star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 73 million kilometers from the center of the star.
There are 8 total planets, with 1 giant planets and 1 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the primary star.
The best starport in the system is C and there are 2 potentially habitable worlds overall.

6.2x10^8 sophonts live in the system under law level 3 and they have an average tech level of 8.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 20800 credits and the overall system GDP is 1.29e+07 MCr.
Overall there is a non-charismatic dictator in charge of the system with 4 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Sinsap is considered an observer system.

Sinsap has an individual influence of 0, and the Confederation has an influence of 20.
9 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Sinsap has no bases and is under restriction status Green.
It is within 4 parsecs of 14 systems with at least 1 million population.
4 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.

Primary Solar System Sinsap-

Sinsap-a is size 9, a surface gravity of 1.25g, a period of 45 days, a diameter of 14500 km and orbiting at 30 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 18 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and an insidious atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Sinsap-b is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.71g, a period of 72 days, a diameter of 9500 km and orbiting at 41 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 48 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Sinsap-c is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.77g, a period of 208 days, a diameter of 9800 km and orbiting at 83 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 7 degrees and rotates on its axis every 28 hours.
It is a warm world with 76% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
It is easily habitable and has a UWP code of C6688B3-8.
The conditions on this planet are favored by Merfolk.
Sinsap-c is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Sinsap-c has an average temperature of 24 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 37 to 41 near the equator, 20 to 28 at 45 latitude, and 1 to 17 near the poles.

Sinsap-d is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.02g, period of 427 days, diameter of 73600 km and orbiting at 134 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 21 degrees and rotates on its axis every 12 hours.
The planet has a total of 3 large moons and 16 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
d12320065970.16 gcycling daily
d235400912110.31 gcycling daily
d3462001258180.34 gcold semi C4648B3-8 Avians
Moon d3 has an average temperature of -9 degrees celsius.
  Avg temps range from -1 to 3 near the equator, -18 to 0 at 45 latitude, and -38 to 1 near the poles.

Sinsap-e is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.38g, a period of 1222 days, a diameter of 7300 km and orbiting at 270 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 28 degrees and rotates on its axis every 27 hours.
It is a frozen world with 94% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Sinsap-f is size A, a surface gravity of 1.49g, a period of 2312 days, a diameter of 16600 km and orbiting at 413 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 24 degrees and rotates on its axis every 30 hours.
It is a frozen world with 88% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 3 moons of size 0 or less.

Sinsap-g is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.95g, a period of 3457 days, a diameter of 11500 km and orbiting at 540 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 18 degrees and rotates on its axis every 24 hours.
It is a frozen world with 18% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Sinsap-h is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 741 million km.

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