Subsector [2,1] Heux of M317 Setting

##System nameLocprim UWP NavScoCon AidResPlanGiaAstHabit NativeConfedGDPTrade
1 Oltzed 1, 7 E894433-8 - - --- 900 1-Front   12800  
2 Wanmopud 2, 2 E535453-8 - - --- 712 1-Front   14400  Na,
3 Nycalent 2, 4 C000312-8 - - --- 604 0-Front   19200  Na, Va,
4 Heux 2, 8 A887A36-F - - YY-2132 4-Advis   55500  Ds, Hi, Ht, Ic,
5 Colgneese 2, 9 B665565-E - Y --A1634 5-Front   50400  Ag, Ht, Ic,
6 Logtusabe 4, 6 C000466-8 - Y --A1235 0-Front   20000  Fl, Na, Va,
7 Nenalart 4,10 C863752-A - - --- 812 2-Memb   25000  Ic,
8 Anenalush 5, 6 C457567-A - Y --R1031 3-Front   20000  Ic,
9 Tuxsid 5, 7 B645846-9 - - --- 712 1-Memb   24300  In,
10 Ribpidome 6, 9 E669882-9 - - ---1644 4-Memb   23400  Ds, Ic,
11 Ortpollin 7, 1 X000000-0 - - --A 000 0-Front   0  
12 Snoler 8, 3 X000000-0 - - --A 000 0-Front   0  
13 Rodquefa 8, 6 X454163-9 - - --A 831 2-Front   16200  Lo,

Return to Setting Summary

Subsector Overview

Naval bases: 0     Scout bases: 3     Consulates: 1

The Confederation has bases on 4 of Heux's 13 systems.

On average each base in this subssector contacts 4.4 other bases within 5 parsecs every week.
    The number ranges from 6 for Heux to 4 for Anenalush.

Starports:    A: 1     B: 2     C: 4     D: 0     E: 3     X: 3     Explorer's Hostels: 1

avg tech: 8.31     avg law: 3.46     avg number of habitable worlds: 1.77    

avg GDP/system: 21630.8 Cr     uninhabited systems: 2    vestigial: 0    amber: 5    red: 1

Total Stars: 21     red type M: 8     orange type K: 3     yellow type G: 5     white type F: 0

   close binaries : 1       distant binaries: 3       trinaries : 2    

    type D white dwarf: 2     type T brown dwarf: 3    giant stars: 0     variable stars: 0     forming stars: 0

World and System Summaries

easily habitable: 5    semi-habitable: 10    barely habitable: 8    geothermally habitable: 0

homeworlds: 0     avian favored: 1     insectan favored: 0     merfolk favored: 3     reptilian favored: 3

In this subsector there are an average of 4.6 systems within 4 parsecs that have populations of at least 1 million.
    The number ranges from 6 for Oltzed to 3 for Nenalart.

On average there are 1.8 systems which have a technology level allowing them to jump to a particular world in this subsector.
    The number ranges from 3 for Oltzed to 0 for Ortpollin.

Habitable World

  • very cold: 4
  • cold: 2
  • cool: 2
  • temperate: 6
  • warm: 4
  • hot: 5
  • roasting: 0

World Sizes

  • siz0: 0
  • siz1: 0
  • siz2: 2
  • siz3: 0
  • siz4: 4
  • siz5: 2
  • siz6: 3
  • siz7: 7
  • siz8: 4
  • siz9: 1
  • siz10: 0

System Population

  • pop #0: 2
  • pop #1: 1
  • pop #2: 0
  • pop #3: 1
  • pop #4: 3
  • pop #5: 2
  • pop #6: 0
  • pop #7: 1
  • pop #8: 2
  • pop #9: 0
  • pop #10: 1

System GDP
per Person

  • 0-10K: 2
  • 10-20K: 4
  • 20-30K: 5
  • 30-40K: 0
  • 40-50K: 0
  • 50-60K: 2
  • 60-70K: 0
  • 70-80K: 0
  • 80-90K: 0
  • 90-100K: 0

Habitable Worlds
per System

  • 0 worlds: 4
  • 1 worlds: 3
  • 2 worlds: 2
  • 3 worlds: 1
  • 4 worlds: 2
  • 5 worlds: 1

Trade Codes:

  • Ag: 1
  • Ds: 2
  • Fl: 1
  • Ga: 0
  • Hi: 1
  • Ht: 2
  • Ic: 5
  • In: 1
  • Lo: 1
  • Lt: 0
  • Na: 3
  • Ni: 0
  • Po: 0
  • Ri: 0
  • Wa: 0
  • Va: 2

Tech Levels

  • TL0: 2
  • TL1: 0
  • TL2: 0
  • TL3: 0
  • TL4: 0
  • TL5: 0
  • TL6: 0
  • TL7: 0
  • TL8: 4
  • TL9: 3
  • TL10: 2
  • TL11: 0
  • TL12: 0
  • TL13: 0
  • TL14: 1
  • TL15: 1

System Law Levels:

  • law 0: 2
  • law 1: 0
  • law 2: 3
  • law 3: 3
  • law 4: 0
  • law 5: 1
  • law 6: 3
  • law 7: 1
  • law 8: 0
  • law 9: 0

Systems have the following types of local governments:

Confederation Planetary System Status

frontier worlds: 7     observer worlds: 0     member worlds: 3     advisory worlds: 1

Confederation vs. Local influence standing is:

puny: 0     weak: 4     equal: 4     solid: 4     overwhelming: 1    

There are 2 independent pocket empires in this subsector.

There are 0 allied worlds with their own pocket empires in this subsector.

In this subsector there are on average 2.7 systems within 4 parsecs that have a base influence of 10 or more.
    The number ranges from 5 for Colgneese to 0 for Wanmopud.

System Personality Traits




3 cybernetics 0
1 enthusiasm 2
0 generosity 1
0 gengineering 7
0 honesty 1
3 isolationism 0
0 materialism 0
2 openmindedness 0
1 optimism 6
0 pacifism 8
9 piety 0
3 psionics 2
7 racism 0
1 robots 6


A total of 3.930e+10 sophonts live in this subsector.

There are 0 native races in this subsector.

Individual System Descriptions

1. Oltzed at location X-1, Y-7.

It has 1 red dwarf type M star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 34 million kilometers from the center of the star.
There are 9 total planets, with 0 giant planets and 0 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the primary star.
The best starport in the system is E and there are 1 potentially habitable worlds overall.

6.8x10^4 sophonts live in the system under law level 3 and they have an average tech level of 8.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 12800 credits and the overall system GDP is 8.70e+02 MCr.
Overall there is an oligarchy in charge of the system with 3 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Oltzed is considered a frontier system.

Oltzed has an individual influence of 0, and the Confederation has an influence of 19.
4 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Oltzed has no bases and is under restriction status Green.
It is within 4 parsecs of 6 systems with at least 1 million population.
3 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.

Primary Solar System Oltzed-

Oltzed-a is size 4, a surface gravity of 0.43g, a period of 31 days, a diameter of 7100 km and orbiting at 18 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 31 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a very thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Oltzed-b is size 4, a surface gravity of 0.4g, a period of 57 days, a diameter of 6800 km and orbiting at 27 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 15 degrees and rotates on its axis every 27 hours.
It is a hot world with 0% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Oltzed-c is size 8, a surface gravity of 0.87g, a period of 88 days, a diameter of 12300 km and orbiting at 36 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 28 degrees and rotates on its axis every 22 hours.
It is a cool world with 36% covered by water and a dense tainted atmosphere.
It is semi habitable and has a UWP code of E894433-8.
The conditions on this planet are favored by Avians.
Oltzed-c is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 5 moons of size 0 or less.

Oltzed-c has an average temperature of 9 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 26 to 30 near the equator, 5 to 13 at 45 latitude, and -20 to 0 near the poles.

Oltzed-d is size 9, a surface gravity of 1.23g, a period of 127 days, a diameter of 14400 km and orbiting at 46 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 37 degrees and rotates on its axis every 19 hours.
It is a very cold world with 20% covered by water and a standard but tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 6 moons of size 0 or less.

Oltzed-e is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.78g, a period of 308 days, a diameter of 9900 km and orbiting at 83 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 2 degrees and rotates on its axis every 31 hours.
It is a frozen world with 19% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Oltzed-f is size 8, a surface gravity of 1.1g, a period of 516 days, a diameter of 13100 km and orbiting at 117 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 11 degrees and rotates on its axis every 22 hours.
It is a frozen world with 78% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Oltzed-g is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.42g, a period of 779 days, a diameter of 7700 km and orbiting at 154 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 17 degrees and rotates on its axis every 29 hours.
It is a frozen world with 37% covered by water and a very thin tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Oltzed-h is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.72g, a period of 1051 days, a diameter of 10400 km and orbiting at 188 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 7 degrees and rotates on its axis every 34 hours.
It is a frozen world with 59% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 6 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
h123200332390.16 gfrozen

Oltzed-i is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.55g, a period of 1450 days, a diameter of 8700 km and orbiting at 233 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 19 degrees and rotates on its axis every 26 hours.
It is a frozen world with 43% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 3 moons of size 0 or less.

Return to list.

2. Wanmopud at location X-2, Y-2.

It has 1 red dwarf type M star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 37 million kilometers from the center of the star.
There are 7 total planets, with 1 giant planets and 2 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the primary star.
The best starport in the system is E and there are 1 potentially habitable worlds overall.

7.4x10^4 sophonts live in the system under law level 3 and they have an average tech level of 8.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 14400 credits and the overall system GDP is 1.07e+03 MCr.
Overall there is a feudal technocracy in charge of the system with 2 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Wanmopud is considered a frontier system.

Wanmopud has an individual influence of 0, and the Confederation has an influence of 2.
0 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Wanmopud has no bases and is under restriction status Green.
It is within 4 parsecs of 6 systems with at least 1 million population.
1 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.
Its trade characteristics are: Na,

Primary Solar System Wanmopud-

Wanmopud-a is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.25g, period of 30 days, diameter of 92000 km and orbiting at 18 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 20 days.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 12 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
a1112001025120.04 gcycling daily

Wanmopud-b is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.44g, a period of 58 days, a diameter of 7900 km and orbiting at 28 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 22 degrees and rotates on its axis every 32 hours.
It is a temperate world with 54% covered by water and a very thin atmosphere.
It is barely habitable and has a UWP code of E535453-8.
Wanmopud-b is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Wanmopud-b has an average temperature of 18 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 28 to 32 near the equator, 15 to 21 at 45 latitude, and -2 to 14 near the poles.

Wanmopud-c is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 39 million km.

Wanmopud-d is size 4, a surface gravity of 0.39g, a period of 218 days, a diameter of 6700 km and orbiting at 68 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 28 degrees and rotates on its axis every 26 hours.
It is a frozen world with 46% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Wanmopud-e is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 109 million km.

Wanmopud-f is size 4, a surface gravity of 0.37g, a period of 652 days, a diameter of 6500 km and orbiting at 141 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 10 degrees and rotates on its axis every 35 hours.
It is a frozen world with 43% covered by water and a very thin tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 3 moons of size 0 or less.

Wanmopud-g is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.8g, a period of 818 days, a diameter of 10000 km and orbiting at 164 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 33 degrees and rotates on its axis every 31 hours.
It is a frozen world with 83% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 3 moons of size 0 or less.

Return to list.

3. Nycalent at location X-2, Y-4.

It has 2 stars, a orange type K star and a type T brown dwarf star, which closely orbit one another at a distance of 15 million km.
The jump shadow of this binary system extends 68 million kilometers from the largest star.
There are 6 total planets, with 0 giant planets and 4 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the binary pair in a P-type circumbinary orbit.
The best starport in the system is C and there are 0 potentially habitable worlds overall.

4.3x10^3 sophonts live in the system under law level 2 and they have an average tech level of 8.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 19200 credits and the overall system GDP is 8.26e+01 MCr.
Overall there is a corporation in charge of the system with 1 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Nycalent is considered a frontier system.

Nycalent has an individual influence of 0, and the Confederation has an influence of 4.
1 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Nycalent has no bases and is under restriction status Green.
It is within 4 parsecs of 4 systems with at least 1 million population.
2 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.
Its trade characteristics are: Na, Va,

Primary Solar System Nycalent-AB

Nycalent-ABa is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 70 million km.
Nycalent-ABa is the most habitable world in the system.
This belt is the most habitable region in the entire system with uwpcode C000312-8.

Nycalent-ABb is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 100 million km.

Nycalent-ABc is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 209 million km.

Nycalent-ABd is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.84g, a period of 1363 days, a diameter of 11000 km and orbiting at 293 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 26 degrees and rotates on its axis every 31 hours.
It is a frozen world with 73% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Nycalent-ABe is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 408 million km.

Nycalent-ABf is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.73g, a period of 3038 days, a diameter of 10400 km and orbiting at 500 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 11 degrees and rotates on its axis every 28 hours.
It is a frozen world with 23% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Return to list.

4. Heux at location X-2, Y-8.

It has 2 stars, a orange type K star and a red dwarf type M star, which distantly orbit one another 3427 million km apart.
The primary's shadow extends 67 million km and the companion's jump shadow extends 38 million km.
There are 21 total planets, with 3 giant planets and 2 asteroid belts in this system.
11 planets are found around the larger primary star in an S-type orbit and 10 planets are orbiting the distant companion star.
It takes roughly 326 hours at 1g to travel from the primary star to the distant companion.
The best starport in the system is A and there are 4 potentially habitable worlds overall.

3.9x10^10 sophonts live in the system under law level 6 and they have an average tech level of F.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 55500 credits and the overall system GDP is 2.16e+09 MCr.
Overall there is an oligarchy in charge of the system with 5 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Heux is considered an advisory system.

Heux has an individual influence of 25, and the Confederation has an influence of 16.
    Heux is independent of control from any nearby system.
4 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

The following worlds are part of Heux's pocket empire.

Heux has a consulate, an explorer hostel, and is under restriction status Green.
The Confederation base(s) contact 6 other systems weekly.
It is within 4 parsecs of 5 systems with at least 1 million population.
2 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.
Its trade characteristics are: Ds, Hi, Ht, Ic,

Primary Solar System Heux-A

Heux-Aa is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.95g, a period of 32 days, a diameter of 11500 km and orbiting at 23 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 16 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Heux-Ab is size 8, a surface gravity of 1.06g, a period of 52 days, a diameter of 12900 km and orbiting at 32 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 52 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Heux-Ac is a gas giant with surface gravity of 1.93g, period of 81 days, diameter of 66400 km and orbiting at 43 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 81 days.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 3 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
c112100888110.07 gcycling daily

Heux-Ad is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.9g, a period of 137 days, a diameter of 11300 km and orbiting at 61 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 28 degrees and rotates on its axis every 19 hours.
It is a hot world with 49% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
It is semi habitable and has a UWP code of A765A36-F.
The conditions on this planet are favored by Reptilians.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 3 moons of size 0 or less.

Heux-Ad has an average temperature of 39 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 54 to 58 near the equator, 34 to 44 at 45 latitude, and 10 to 34 near the poles.

Heux-Ae is size 8, a surface gravity of 0.91g, a period of 263 days, a diameter of 12400 km and orbiting at 94 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 30 degrees and rotates on its axis every 23 hours.
It is a temperate world with 68% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
It is easily habitable and has a UWP code of A887A36-F.
Heux-Ae is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Heux-Ae has an average temperature of 11 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 28 to 32 near the equator, 3 to 19 at 45 latitude, and -26 to 10 near the poles.

Heux-Af is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.43g, a period of 437 days, a diameter of 7800 km and orbiting at 132 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 11 degrees and rotates on its axis every 29 hours.
It is a very cold world with 37% covered by water and a very thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Heux-Ag is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.87g, a period of 986 days, a diameter of 11100 km and orbiting at 227 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 36 degrees and rotates on its axis every 36 hours.
It is a frozen world with 62% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 3 moons of size 0 or less.

Heux-Ah is an ice giant with surface gravity of 1.79g, period of 1920 days, diameter of 55200 km and orbiting at 354 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 1 degrees and rotates on its axis every 14 hours.
The planet has a total of 2 large moons and 12 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
h14590063380.31 gfrozen
h2353001034170.3 gfrozen

Heux-Ai is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.47g, a period of 2789 days, a diameter of 8200 km and orbiting at 454 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 21 degrees and rotates on its axis every 26 hours.
It is a frozen world with 66% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Heux-Aj is an ice giant with surface gravity of 2.37g, period of 3800 days, diameter of 101600 km and orbiting at 558 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 16 degrees and rotates on its axis every 14 hours.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 6 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
j1121001091160.07 gfrozen

Heux-Ak is size 9, a surface gravity of 1.37g, a period of 5558 days, a diameter of 14900 km and orbiting at 719 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 17 degrees and rotates on its axis every 29 hours.
It is a frozen world with 57% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 2 large moons and 8 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
k111800494240.06 gfrozen
k222400776470.12 gfrozen

Companion Solar System Heux-B

Heux-Ba is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.38g, a period of 26 days, a diameter of 7300 km and orbiting at 20 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 17 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a thin, tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Heux-Bb is size 4, a surface gravity of 0.41g, a period of 38 days, a diameter of 6900 km and orbiting at 26 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 51 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a thin, tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Heux-Bc is size 8, a surface gravity of 0.9g, a period of 60 days, a diameter of 12400 km and orbiting at 35 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 17 degrees and rotates on its axis every 28 hours.
It is a hot world with 12% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
It is semi habitable and has a UWP code of A861A36-F.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Heux-Bc has an average temperature of 34 degrees celsius.
  Avg temps range from 51 to 55 near the equator, 30 to 38 at 45 latitude, and 7 to 23 near the poles.

Heux-Bd is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 44 million km.

Heux-Be is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.8g, a period of 114 days, a diameter of 10800 km and orbiting at 54 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 8 degrees and rotates on its axis every 29 hours.
It is a very cold world with 76% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
It is barely habitable and has a UWP code of A768A36-F.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Heux-Be has an average temperature of -13 degrees celsius.
  Avg temps range from 2 to 6 near the equator, -16 to -10 at 45 latitude, and -37 to -22 near the poles.

Heux-Bf is size 7, a surface gravity of 1.01g, a period of 254 days, a diameter of 11800 km and orbiting at 92 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 3 degrees and rotates on its axis every 33 hours.
It is a frozen world with 84% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Heux-Bg is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.72g, a period of 432 days, a diameter of 9600 km and orbiting at 131 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis every 29 hours.
It is a frozen world with 37% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Heux-Bh is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 171 million km.

Heux-Bi is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.63g, a period of 877 days, a diameter of 9100 km and orbiting at 210 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 1 degrees and rotates on its axis every 29 hours.
It is a frozen world with 12% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Heux-Bj is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.51g, a period of 1099 days, a diameter of 8600 km and orbiting at 244 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 24 degrees and rotates on its axis every 31 hours.
It is a frozen world with 75% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Return to list.

5. Colgneese at location X-2, Y-9.

It has 3 stars, a yellow type G and red dwarf type M star closely orbiting one another at 14 million km.
A orange type K star is a distant companion to this pair orbiting the binary at 5838 million km.
The jump shadow of the binary pair extends 156 million km from the largest star. The distant companion's jump shadow is 71 million km.
There are 16 total planets, with 3 giant planets and 4 asteroid belts in this system.
9 planets are found around the binary pair in a P-type circumbinary orbit and 7 planets are orbiting the distant companion star.
It takes roughly 425 hours at 1g to travel from the primary star to the distant companion.
The best starport in the system is B and there are 5 potentially habitable worlds overall.

5.7x10^5 sophonts live in the system under law level 5 and they have an average tech level of E.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 50400 credits and the overall system GDP is 2.87e+04 MCr.
Overall there is a captive government in charge of the system with 4 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Colgneese is considered a frontier system.

Colgneese has an individual influence of 4, and the Confederation has an influence of 16.
5 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Colgneese has a scout base, and is under restriction status Amber.
The Confederation base(s) contact 6 other systems weekly.
It is within 4 parsecs of 6 systems with at least 1 million population.
2 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.
Its trade characteristics are: Ag, Ht, Ic,

Primary Solar System Colgneese-AB

Colgneese-ABa is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.74g, a period of 73 days, a diameter of 9700 km and orbiting at 57 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 29 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a standard but tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Colgneese-ABb is a gas giant with surface gravity of 1.93g, period of 273 days, diameter of 66400 km and orbiting at 137 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 19 degrees and rotates on its axis every 14 hours.
The planet has a total of 5 large moons and 15 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
b12260051850.13 gcycling daily
b24690072380.41 ghot
b347100906110.43 gwarm barely B439565-E Merfolk
b4468001103150.4 ghot semi B452565-E
b5351001236170.28 gcycling daily
Moon b3 has an average temperature of 21 degrees celsius.
  Avg temps range from 30 to 34 near the equator, 15 to 27 at 45 latitude, and -3 to 24 near the poles.
Moon b4 has an average temperature of 40 degrees celsius.
  Avg temps range from 49 to 53 near the equator, 34 to 46 at 45 latitude, and 16 to 43 near the poles.

Colgneese-ABc is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 228 million km.

Colgneese-ABd is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.85g, a period of 990 days, a diameter of 10200 km and orbiting at 323 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 7 degrees and rotates on its axis every 32 hours.
It is a cold world with 51% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
It is semi habitable and has a UWP code of B665565-E.
Colgneese-ABd is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Colgneese-ABd has an average temperature of 0 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 14 to 18 near the equator, -6 to 6 at 45 latitude, and -28 to -3 near the poles.

Colgneese-ABe is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.06g, period of 2212 days, diameter of 76800 km and orbiting at 552 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 21 degrees and rotates on its axis every 12 hours.
The planet has a total of 5 large moons and 18 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
e12360054750.18 gfrozen
e23500074280.27 gfrozen
e322600958120.13 gfrozen
e4459001154150.31 gfrozen
e5115001347190.05 gfrozen

Colgneese-ABf is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.75g, a period of 3975 days, a diameter of 9700 km and orbiting at 816 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 4 degrees and rotates on its axis every 27 hours.
It is a frozen world with 32% covered by water and a thin, tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Colgneese-ABg is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 1128 million km.

Colgneese-ABh is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 1395 million km.

Colgneese-ABi is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.7g, a period of 11889 days, a diameter of 9500 km and orbiting at 1694 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 38 degrees and rotates on its axis every 27 hours.
It is a frozen world with 70% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Companion Solar System Colgneese-C

Colgneese-Ca is size 4, a surface gravity of 0.31g, a period of 53 days, a diameter of 5900 km and orbiting at 33 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 53 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Colgneese-Cb is size 9, a surface gravity of 1.23g, a period of 164 days, a diameter of 14400 km and orbiting at 70 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 11 degrees and rotates on its axis every 22 hours.
It is a warm world with 39% covered by water and a standard but tainted atmosphere.
It is semi habitable and has a UWP code of B974565-E.
The conditions on this planet are favored by Reptilians.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Colgneese-Cb has an average temperature of 24 degrees celsius.
  Avg temps range from 44 to 48 near the equator, 20 to 28 at 45 latitude, and -7 to 11 near the poles.

Colgneese-Cc is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.79g, a period of 314 days, a diameter of 10700 km and orbiting at 108 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 5 degrees and rotates on its axis every 29 hours.
It is a cold world with 76% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
It is semi habitable and has a UWP code of B788565-E.
The conditions on this planet are favored by Merfolk.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Colgneese-Cc has an average temperature of -7 degrees celsius.
  Avg temps range from 8 to 12 near the equator, -11 to -3 at 45 latitude, and -32 to -15 near the poles.

Colgneese-Cd is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 227 million km.

Colgneese-Ce is size 8, a surface gravity of 0.91g, a period of 1615 days, a diameter of 12400 km and orbiting at 322 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 17 degrees and rotates on its axis every 36 hours.
It is a frozen world with 61% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Colgneese-Cf is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.24g, period of 2270 days, diameter of 91200 km and orbiting at 404 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 17 degrees and rotates on its axis every 13 hours.
The planet has a total of 5 large moons and 6 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
f12280057250.14 gfrozen
f21210079190.07 gfrozen
f3463001011120.35 gfrozen
f4469001230160.41 gfrozen
f5112001435200.04 gfrozen

Colgneese-Cg is size A, a surface gravity of 1.64g, a period of 3051 days, a diameter of 17100 km and orbiting at 492 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 39 degrees and rotates on its axis every 33 hours.
It is a frozen world with 72% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 3 moons of size 0 or less.

Return to list.

6. Logtusabe at location X-4, Y-6.

It has 1 yellow type G star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 153 million kilometers from the center of the star.
There are 12 total planets, with 3 giant planets and 5 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the primary star.
The best starport in the system is C and there are 0 potentially habitable worlds overall.

9.1x10^4 sophonts live in the system under law level 6 and they have an average tech level of 8.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 20000 credits and the overall system GDP is 1.82e+03 MCr.
Overall there is a captive government in charge of the system with 1 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Logtusabe is considered a frontier system.

Logtusabe has an individual influence of 0, and the Confederation has an influence of 6.
4 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Logtusabe has a scout base, and is under restriction status Amber.
The Confederation base(s) contact 6 other systems weekly.
It is within 4 parsecs of 4 systems with at least 1 million population.
3 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.
Its trade characteristics are: Fl, Na, Va,

Primary Solar System Logtusabe-

Logtusabe-a is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.76g, a period of 43 days, a diameter of 9800 km and orbiting at 37 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 21 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Logtusabe-b is size A, a surface gravity of 1.2g, a period of 109 days, a diameter of 15700 km and orbiting at 69 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 109 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 6 moons of size 0 or less.

Logtusabe-c is size A, a surface gravity of 1.61g, a period of 190 days, a diameter of 17000 km and orbiting at 100 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 10 degrees and rotates on its axis every 33 hours.
It is a roasting world with 0% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 3 moons of size 0 or less.

Logtusabe-d is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 163 million km.
Logtusabe-d is the most habitable world in the system.
This belt is the most habitable region in the entire system with uwpcode C000466-8.

Logtusabe-e is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 194 million km.

Logtusabe-f is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.66g, period of 752 days, diameter of 124800 km and orbiting at 250 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 24 degrees and rotates on its axis every 12 hours.
The planet has a total of 5 large moons and 13 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
f13460067960.23 gvery cold
f223600949100.18 gvery cold
f3121001237150.07 gcycling daily
f4466001505200.38 gvery cold
f5238001721240.19 gvery cold

Logtusabe-g is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 449 million km.

Logtusabe-h is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.77g, a period of 3808 days, a diameter of 9800 km and orbiting at 737 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 19 degrees and rotates on its axis every 29 hours.
It is a frozen world with 58% covered by a hydrocarbon fluid ocean and an exotic atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Logtusabe-i is an ice giant with surface gravity of 1.82g, period of 4850 days, diameter of 57600 km and orbiting at 866 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 19 degrees and rotates on its axis every 17 hours.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 7 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
i112100880130.07 gfrozen

Logtusabe-j is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.63g, period of 7296 days, diameter of 122400 km and orbiting at 1137 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 25 degrees and rotates on its axis every 14 hours.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 5 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
j1112001259150.04 gfrozen

Logtusabe-k is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 1243 million km.

Logtusabe-l is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 1391 million km.

Return to list.

7. Nenalart at location X-4, Y-10.

It has 2 stars, a red dwarf type M star and a type T brown dwarf star, which distantly orbit one another 1461 million km apart.
The primary's shadow extends 34 million km and the companion's jump shadow extends 6 million km.
There are 8 total planets, with 1 giant planets and 2 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the larger primary star in an S-type orbit.
It takes roughly 213 hours at 1g to travel from the primary star to the distant companion.
The best starport in the system is C and there are 2 potentially habitable worlds overall.

6.5x10^7 sophonts live in the system under law level 2 and they have an average tech level of A.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 25000 credits and the overall system GDP is 1.62e+06 MCr.
Overall there is a feudal technocracy in charge of the system with 4 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Nenalart is considered a member system.

Nenalart has an individual influence of 11, and the Confederation has an influence of 2.
3 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Nenalart has no bases and is under restriction status Green.
It is within 4 parsecs of 3 systems with at least 1 million population.
2 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.
Its trade characteristics are: Ic,

Primary Solar System Nenalart-A

Nenalart-Aa is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 18 million km.

Nenalart-Ab is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.97g, a period of 42 days, a diameter of 11600 km and orbiting at 22 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 14 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a standard but tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Nenalart-Ac is size 8, a surface gravity of 0.91g, a period of 74 days, a diameter of 12400 km and orbiting at 32 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 22 degrees and rotates on its axis every 31 hours.
It is a warm world with 30% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
It is easily habitable and has a UWP code of C863752-A.
Nenalart-Ac is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 3 moons of size 0 or less.

Nenalart-Ac has an average temperature of 27 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 44 to 48 near the equator, 23 to 31 at 45 latitude, and 0 to 16 near the poles.

Nenalart-Ad is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.73g, a period of 111 days, a diameter of 10400 km and orbiting at 42 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 10 degrees and rotates on its axis every 23 hours.
It is a very cold world with 90% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
It is barely habitable and has a UWP code of C789752-A.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Nenalart-Ad has an average temperature of -19 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from -5 to -1 near the equator, -22 to -16 at 45 latitude, and -43 to -27 near the poles.

Nenalart-Ae is a gas giant with surface gravity of 1.97g, period of 286 days, diameter of 69600 km and orbiting at 79 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 8 degrees and rotates on its axis every 10 hours.
The planet has a total of 5 large moons and 9 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
e12360049850.18 gfrozen
e23520068270.29 gfrozen
e311800898110.06 gfrozen
e4234001060140.17 gfrozen
e5352001328190.29 gfrozen

Nenalart-Af is size 9, a surface gravity of 1g, a period of 536 days, a diameter of 13700 km and orbiting at 120 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 6 degrees and rotates on its axis every 30 hours.
It is a frozen world with 83% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Nenalart-Ag is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 157 million km.

Nenalart-Ah is size 8, a surface gravity of 1.07g, a period of 944 days, a diameter of 13000 km and orbiting at 175 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 22 degrees and rotates on its axis every 26 hours.
It is a frozen world with 100% covered by water and a standard but tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Return to list.

8. Anenalush at location X-5, Y-6.

It has 1 yellow type G star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 156 million kilometers from the center of the star.
There are 10 total planets, with 3 giant planets and 1 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the primary star.
The best starport in the system is C and there are 3 potentially habitable worlds overall.

2.8x10^5 sophonts live in the system under law level 7 and they have an average tech level of A.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 20000 credits and the overall system GDP is 5.60e+03 MCr.
Overall there is a captive government in charge of the system with 4 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Anenalush is considered a frontier system.

Anenalush has an individual influence of 0, and the Confederation has an influence of 4.
4 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Anenalush has a scout base, and is under restriction status Red.
The Confederation base(s) contact 4 other systems weekly.
It is within 4 parsecs of 4 systems with at least 1 million population.
3 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.
Its trade characteristics are: Ic,

Primary Solar System Anenalush-

Anenalush-a is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.85g, a period of 59 days, a diameter of 11000 km and orbiting at 46 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 24 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Anenalush-b is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.37g, a period of 115 days, a diameter of 7200 km and orbiting at 72 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 77 days.
It is a cycling daily world with 0% covered by water and a trace atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Anenalush-c is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.78g, a period of 280 days, a diameter of 10700 km and orbiting at 130 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 15 degrees and rotates on its axis every 28 hours.
It is a hot world with 26% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
It is semi habitable and has a UWP code of C763567-A.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Anenalush-c has an average temperature of 34 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 49 to 53 near the equator, 28 to 40 at 45 latitude, and 5 to 30 near the poles.

Anenalush-d is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.25g, period of 586 days, diameter of 92000 km and orbiting at 213 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 9 degrees and rotates on its axis every 17 hours.
There are 3 rings encircling this giant planet.
Moon Anenalush-d1 is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 4 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
d1458001035130.3 gtemperate easily C457567-A
Moon d1 has an average temperature of 20 degrees celsius.
  Avg temps range from 27 to 31 near the equator, 14 to 26 at 45 latitude, and -1 to 23 near the poles.

Anenalush-e is size 7, a surface gravity of 1.02g, a period of 800 days, a diameter of 11900 km and orbiting at 262 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 30 degrees and rotates on its axis every 30 hours.
It is a very cold world with 80% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
It is barely habitable and has a UWP code of C788567-A.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Anenalush-e has an average temperature of -12 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 5 to 9 near the equator, -26 to 2 at 45 latitude, and -60 to -1 near the poles.

Anenalush-f is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.54g, period of 2185 days, diameter of 115200 km and orbiting at 512 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 37 degrees and rotates on its axis every 10 hours.
The planet has a total of 2 large moons and 12 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
f123000897100.15 gfrozen
f2347001480200.24 gfrozen

Anenalush-g is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 799 million km.

Anenalush-h is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.91g, a period of 7508 days, a diameter of 11300 km and orbiting at 1166 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 33 degrees and rotates on its axis every 27 hours.
It is a frozen world with 63% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 3 moons of size 0 or less.

Anenalush-i is size 8, a surface gravity of 0.87g, a period of 10348 days, a diameter of 12300 km and orbiting at 1444 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 13 degrees and rotates on its axis every 30 hours.
It is a frozen world with 15% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Anenalush-j is an ice giant with surface gravity of 1.77g, period of 14102 days, diameter of 53600 km and orbiting at 1775 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 31 degrees and rotates on its axis every 11 hours.
There are 6 rings encircling this giant planet.
The planet has a total of 2 large moons and 13 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
j14650063280.37 gfrozen
j2112001022170.04 gfrozen

Return to list.

9. Tuxsid at location X-5, Y-7.

It has 1 yellow type G star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 145 million kilometers from the center of the star.
There are 7 total planets, with 1 giant planets and 2 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit around the primary star.
The best starport in the system is B and there are 1 potentially habitable worlds overall.

1.1x10^8 sophonts live in the system under law level 6 and they have an average tech level of 9.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 24300 credits and the overall system GDP is 2.67e+06 MCr.
Overall there is a republic in charge of the system with 4 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Tuxsid is considered a member system.

Tuxsid has an individual influence of 13, and the Confederation has an influence of 1.
3 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Tuxsid has no bases and is under restriction status Green.
It is within 4 parsecs of 3 systems with at least 1 million population.
3 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.
Its trade characteristics are: In,

Primary Solar System Tuxsid-

Tuxsid-a is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 58 million km.

Tuxsid-b is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.54g, a period of 378 days, a diameter of 8700 km and orbiting at 155 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 38 degrees and rotates on its axis every 27 hours.
It is a temperate world with 51% covered by water and a thin, tainted atmosphere.
It is semi habitable and has a UWP code of B645846-9.
Tuxsid-b is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Tuxsid-b has an average temperature of 16 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 27 to 31 near the equator, 3 to 29 at 45 latitude, and -24 to 30 near the poles.

Tuxsid-c is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.83g, a period of 792 days, a diameter of 10900 km and orbiting at 254 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 22 degrees and rotates on its axis every 23 hours.
It is a very cold world with 55% covered by water and a standard but tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 7 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
c134800390460.25 gcycling daily

Tuxsid-d is size A, a surface gravity of 1.24g, a period of 2518 days, a diameter of 15800 km and orbiting at 549 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 17 degrees and rotates on its axis every 31 hours.
It is a frozen world with 26% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

Tuxsid-e is an ice giant with surface gravity of 2.64g, period of 4388 days, diameter of 123200 km and orbiting at 795 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 13 degrees and rotates on its axis every 17 hours.
The planet has a total of 2 large moons and 8 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
e147100990130.43 gfrozen
e2238001465240.19 gfrozen

Tuxsid-f is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.84g, a period of 6910 days, a diameter of 10200 km and orbiting at 1076 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 6 degrees and rotates on its axis every 25 hours.
It is a frozen world with 72% covered by water and a thin, tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Tuxsid-g is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 1329 million km.

Return to list.

10. Ribpidome at location X-6, Y-9.

It has 3 stars, a yellow type G and red dwarf type M star closely orbiting one another at 11 million km.
A red dwarf type M star is a distant companion to this pair orbiting the binary at 3155 million km.
The jump shadow of the binary pair extends 142 million km from the largest star. The distant companion's jump shadow is 32 million km.
There are 16 total planets, with 4 giant planets and 4 asteroid belts in this system.
7 planets are found around the binary pair in a P-type circumbinary orbit and 9 planets are orbiting the distant companion star.
It takes roughly 313 hours at 1g to travel from the primary star to the distant companion.
The best starport in the system is E and there are 4 potentially habitable worlds overall.

1.2x10^8 sophonts live in the system under law level 2 and they have an average tech level of 9.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 23400 credits and the overall system GDP is 2.81e+06 MCr.
Overall there is a civil service bureaucracy in charge of the system with 2 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Ribpidome is considered a member system.

Ribpidome has an individual influence of 13, and the Confederation has an influence of 0.
    Ribpidome is independent of control from any nearby system.
3 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Ribpidome has no bases and is under restriction status Green.
It is within 4 parsecs of 3 systems with at least 1 million population.
2 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.
Its trade characteristics are: Ds, Ic,

Primary Solar System Ribpidome-AB

Ribpidome-ABa is size 9, a surface gravity of 1.41g, a period of 135 days, a diameter of 15000 km and orbiting at 84 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 54 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Ribpidome-ABb is size 8, a surface gravity of 0.91g, a period of 309 days, a diameter of 12400 km and orbiting at 146 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 4 degrees and rotates on its axis every 22 hours.
It is a hot world with 0% covered by water and a standard but tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Ribpidome-ABc is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.58g, a period of 572 days, a diameter of 8900 km and orbiting at 220 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 16 degrees and rotates on its axis every 29 hours.
It is a temperate world with 94% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
It is easily habitable and has a UWP code of E669882-9.
The conditions on this planet are favored by Merfolk.
Ribpidome-ABc is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Ribpidome-ABc has an average temperature of 12 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from 24 to 28 near the equator, 4 to 20 at 45 latitude, and -18 to 15 near the poles.

Ribpidome-ABd is size 5, a surface gravity of 0.39g, a period of 830 days, a diameter of 7400 km and orbiting at 282 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 24 degrees and rotates on its axis every 25 hours.
It is a very cold world with 59% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
It is barely habitable and has a UWP code of E556882-9.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Ribpidome-ABd has an average temperature of -19 degrees C.
  Avg temps range from -10 to -6 near the equator, -31 to -7 at 45 latitude, and -56 to -4 near the poles.

Ribpidome-ABe is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 579 million km.

Ribpidome-ABf is size 8, a surface gravity of 1.19g, a period of 4772 days, a diameter of 13400 km and orbiting at 905 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 15 degrees and rotates on its axis every 32 hours.
It is a frozen world with 74% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 3 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
f111800538410.06 gfrozen

Ribpidome-ABg is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.64g, period of 7423 days, diameter of 123200 km and orbiting at 1215 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 20 degrees and rotates on its axis every 11 hours.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 7 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
g1121001264150.07 gfrozen

Companion Solar System Ribpidome-C

Ribpidome-Ca is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 21 million km.

Ribpidome-Cb is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.94g, a period of 75 days, a diameter of 11500 km and orbiting at 32 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 9 degrees and rotates on its axis every 34 hours.
It is a hot world with 9% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
It is semi habitable and has a UWP code of E761882-9.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Ribpidome-Cb has an average temperature of 32 degrees celsius.
  Avg temps range from 48 to 52 near the equator, 29 to 35 at 45 latitude, and 7 to 22 near the poles.

Ribpidome-Cc is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.21g, period of 117 days, diameter of 88800 km and orbiting at 43 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 4 degrees and rotates on its axis every 12 hours.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 10 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
c1234001038130.17 gcool barely E232882-9
Moon c1 has an average temperature of 3 degrees celsius.
  Avg temps range from 6 to 10 near the equator, 0 to 6 at 45 latitude, and -9 to 5 near the poles.

Ribpidome-Cd is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 54 million km.

Ribpidome-Ce is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 86 million km.

Ribpidome-Cf is size 7, a surface gravity of 0.94g, a period of 527 days, a diameter of 11500 km and orbiting at 117 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 8 degrees and rotates on its axis every 20 hours.
It is a frozen world with 32% covered by water and a standard atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Ribpidome-Cg is a gas giant with surface gravity of 1.81g, period of 625 days, diameter of 56800 km and orbiting at 131 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 24 degrees and rotates on its axis every 16 hours.
The planet has a total of 2 large moons and 17 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
g13540065270.31 gfrozen
g245800964130.3 gfrozen

Ribpidome-Ch is size 4, a surface gravity of 0.32g, a period of 883 days, a diameter of 6000 km and orbiting at 165 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 16 degrees and rotates on its axis every 31 hours.
It is a frozen world with 38% covered by water and a very thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Ribpidome-Ci is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.68g, period of 1100 days, diameter of 126400 km and orbiting at 191 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 36 degrees and rotates on its axis every 13 hours.
The planet has a total of 5 large moons and 22 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
i12380071870.19 gfrozen
i222800985110.14 gfrozen
i3463001283160.35 gfrozen
i4118001532200.06 gfrozen
i5471001769250.43 gfrozen

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11. Ortpollin at location X-7, Y-1.

It has 1 type T brown dwarf star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 5 million kilometers from the center of the star.
This lonely failed star sits silently in the blackness of space.
There are 0 total planets, with 0 giant planets and 0 asteroid belts in this system.
The best starport in the system is X and there are 0 potentially habitable worlds overall.

0.0x10^0 sophonts live in the system under law level 0 and they have an average tech level of 0.

Overall there is no effective government in charge of the system with 0 factions present.

Based on the population and tech level, Ortpollin is considered a frontier system.

Ortpollin has an individual influence of 0, and the Confederation has an influence of 6.
1 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Ortpollin has no bases and is under restriction status Amber.
It is within 4 parsecs of 6 systems with at least 1 million population.
0 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.

12. Snoler at location X-8, Y-3.

It has 1 type D white dwarf star.
The jump shadow of this star extends 112 million kilometers from the center of the star.
This stellar reminant is surrounded by a colorful planetary nebula and an extensive debris field.
There are 0 total planets, with 0 giant planets and 0 asteroid belts in this system.
The best starport in the system is X and there are 0 potentially habitable worlds overall.

0.0x10^0 sophonts live in the system under law level 0 and they have an average tech level of 0.

Overall there is no effective government in charge of the system with 0 factions present.

Based on the population and tech level, Snoler is considered a frontier system.

Snoler has an individual influence of 0, and the Confederation has an influence of 6.
1 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Snoler has no bases and is under restriction status Amber.
It is within 4 parsecs of 6 systems with at least 1 million population.
0 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.

13. Rodquefa at location X-8, Y-6.

It has 2 stars, a type D white dwarf star and a red dwarf type M star, which distantly orbit one another 2569 million km apart.
The primary's shadow extends 103 million km and the companion's jump shadow extends 37 million km.
There are 8 total planets, with 3 giant planets and 1 asteroid belts in this system.
All of the planets are in orbit about the distant companion star.
It takes roughly 282 hours at 1g to travel from the primary star to the distant companion.
The best starport in the system is X and there are 2 potentially habitable worlds overall.

8.4x10^1 sophonts live in the system under law level 3 and they have an average tech level of 9.

The major settlements of this system are:

The average sophont earns about 16200 credits and the overall system GDP is 1.36e+00 MCr.
Overall there is a captive government in charge of the system with 1 factions present.

The sophonts in this system have the following general attitudes on a scale of 0 to 15:

Based on the population and tech level, Rodquefa is considered a frontier system.

Rodquefa has an individual influence of 0, and the Confederation has an influence of 1.
2 systems within 4 parsecs of this world have a base influence of 10 or greater.

The systems with the most actual influence here are:

Rodquefa has no bases and is under restriction status Amber.
It is within 4 parsecs of 4 systems with at least 1 million population.
1 nearby systems have a technology level which permits them to jump here directly.
Its trade characteristics are: Lo,

Companion Solar System Rodquefa-B

Rodquefa-Ba is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.54g, a period of 21 days, a diameter of 8700 km and orbiting at 20 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 14 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and a standard but tainted atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Rodquefa-Bb is size 9, a surface gravity of 1.01g, a period of 31 days, a diameter of 13700 km and orbiting at 26 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 0 degrees and rotates on its axis approximately every 21 days.
It is a boiling world with 0% covered by water and an exotic atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 0 moons of size 0 or less.

Rodquefa-Bc is a gas giant with surface gravity of 1.9g, period of 50 days, diameter of 64000 km and orbiting at 36 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 14 degrees and rotates on its axis every 13 hours.
Moon Rodquefa-Bc2 is the most habitable world in the system.
The planet has a total of 2 large moons and 9 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
c12340065770.17 gtemperate barely X238163-9 Merfolk
c2463001086150.35 gwarm easily X454163-9 Reptilians
Moon c1 has an average temperature of 11 degrees celsius.
  Avg temps range from 14 to 18 near the equator, 8 to 14 at 45 latitude, and -2 to 14 near the poles.
Moon c2 has an average temperature of 24 degrees celsius.
  Avg temps range from 32 to 36 near the equator, 21 to 27 at 45 latitude, and 7 to 22 near the poles.

Rodquefa-Bd is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.14g, period of 75 days, diameter of 83200 km and orbiting at 47 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 42 degrees and rotates on its axis every 16 hours.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 8 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
d1118001005120.06 gcycling daily

Rodquefa-Be is a gas giant with surface gravity of 2.33g, period of 198 days, diameter of 98400 km and orbiting at 90 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 24 degrees and rotates on its axis every 14 hours.
There are 3 rings encircling this giant planet.
The planet has a total of 1 large moons and 7 moons of size 0 or less.

    Moon Size Diam. (km) orbit
1000's km
gravity temperature Habitable UWPFavored
e1345001051130.22 gfrozen

Rodquefa-Bf is size 6, a surface gravity of 0.85g, a period of 355 days, a diameter of 10200 km and orbiting at 133 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 30 degrees and rotates on its axis every 29 hours.
It is a frozen world with 38% covered by water and a thin atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 1 moons of size 0 or less.

Rodquefa-Bg is an asteroid belt with many size 0 planetoids orbiting at 182 million km.

Rodquefa-Bh is size 8, a surface gravity of 1.14g, a period of 731 days, a diameter of 13200 km and orbiting at 215 million km.
It has an axial tilt of 13 degrees and rotates on its axis every 32 hours.
It is a frozen world with 22% covered by water and a dense normal atmosphere.
The planet has a total of 0 large moons and 2 moons of size 0 or less.

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