how to search: None Exactly Less Than Greater Than Between
Vehicle Name None Starts with Includes
how to search: Sail Barge/Boat unpowered Trailer Rail Screw Propeller Wheel Airship Rotor Track Jet Air Cushion Mole Hypersonic Grav Leg Advanced Grav Extreme Grav
search for: none coal hydrocarbons hydrogen radioactives
search by armor type: any none wood iron titanium steel crystaliron superdense bonded superdense
search by armor options: any none applique reactive electrostatic reflec stealth improved stealth
search by total points: None Exactly Less Than Greater Than Between and
search for: manned drone robotic cyborg
search for: none short medium long
search for: None Hostile Vacuum Corrosive Insidious
search for: Unpowered External Combustion Internal Combustion Battery-5 Fission Gas Turbine Closed Fuel Cell Open Fuel Cell Battery-8 Early Fusion Battery-10 Battery-12 Fusion Battery-14 Advanced Fusion
search for: Land Offroad Water Submarine Pontoon Air Vertical Takeoff Space
from: Standard Cargo Refrigerated Cargo Fluid Liquid Cargo Pressurized Liquid/Gas Cargo looking for None Exactly Less Than Greater Than Between
Weapon Type: projectile energy missile bomb general weapon bay none
Projectile Type: any ballista catapault trebuchet small black powder cannon large black powder cannon revolving cannon gatling gun mortar medium mortar heavy mortar harpoon gun repeating harpoon gun light machine gun rotary light machine gun VRF gauss gun heavy machine gun rotary heavy machine gun heavy VRF gauss gun 20mm autocannon 20mm rotary autocannon 55mm anti-tank (AT) gun 55mm AT cannon 55mm rotary AT cannon grenade thrower RAM grenade launcher 75mm howitzer 75mm RaFE howitzer gauss cannon 105mm howitzer 105mm RaFE howitzer 127mm howitzer 127mm RaFE howitzer 155mm howitzer 155mm RaFE howitzer 200mm howitzer 300mm howitzer 400mm howitzer
Energy Weapon Type: any flamethrower sonic cannon laser rifle stagger laser stunner beam laser stutter laser plasma gun fusion gun meson gun PGMP improved PGMP FGMP
Missile Size: any small, shortest range short range medium range long range ICBM
Bomb Size: any 100kg light 250kg medium 500kg standard 1000kg heavy 2000kg earthquake