Mercenaries in the M317 Cluster

Mercenaries are a particular type of semi-military unit that players may encounter in most systems. On the smallest scale, security contractors, bodyguards, and bounty hunters are essentially muscle for hire. Security companies might have dozens or hundreds of operatives to call upon. The largest units will have military grade weapons and ships available that are a match for many systems.

Governments that have a high law level probably won’t permit units of more than a few dozens to be based in their system (unless under contract with them). Any sized mercenary force might be encountered passing through a larger starport, but the system's military will be on alert and at least partially mobilized to greet them. For larger mercenary companies, smallish low law level systems with a starport and an acceptance of violence are often good places to find mercenaries. Here, they can provide auxiliary support for the government while having a reasonably stable base from which to negotiate contracts and relax between missions. The system benefits too-- it takes a certain level of desperation to attack anyone who makes their living by fighting.

Pulsar mercenary bases

The following systems from the M317 Cluster are some of the best places to find mercenaries. Each has a population between 6 and 8, law level of less than 2, an A or B class starport, and a pacifism rating of 5 or less.

Ulnour in [2,5]Milseeat subsector.
Tavstu in [2,7]Lonpie subsector.
Futwarcon in [3,3]Polwopran subsector.
*Milquitlog in [3,6]Tanlidgap subsector.
*Pasam in [3,6]Tanlidgap subsector.
*Bolmugtil in [3,6]Tanlidgap subsector.
^Anegno in [6,3]Woteth subsector.
^Codzagal in [6,3]Woteth subsector.
^Snehou in [6,3]Woteth subsector.
Ryetus in [7,1]Eedmolick subsector.
Goospe in [8,1]Genbriman subsector.
Febmoo in [8,5]Dubgo subsector.
Stoas in [8,8]Ugplu subsector.

The carats denote 3 systems within 5 parsecs of one another that are all part of the Wotethid pocket empire and no more than 3 parsecs from the Cluster capital of Woteth. These 3 worlds are the primary bases of the Pulsars, the most powerful mercenary megacorp in the Cluster. When megacorps need warriors, this is where they will typically go. They are at the political center of the Cluster, and as the largest mercenary group they are under the most scrutiny and therefore will generally do their best to uphold every detail of their contracts. While Wotethids may strongly prefer laws and order, they are not pacifists and recognize that fighting for one’s beliefs and concerns is all too common. Their goal is to limit conflicts so that they do not disrupt the rest of the Confederation. Mercenaries fight according to strict rules, and those rules fit in well for limiting the scope of violent conflicts. The Pulsars have long memories when they are betrayed or butchered in violation of the articles of war.

The asterisks denote 3 systems in the Tanlidgap subsector which are within 2 parsecs of one another, creating a second major center of mercenary activity. This is the home territory of the Devil Dogs, a more regional mercenary outfit that was ousted from near Woteth by the Pulsars about 50 years ago. Just because they are not considered a megacorp, however, does not mean they are not lethal fighters. While they do not have the same clientele and reputation as the Pulsars, they have won their share of high profile victories. The Devil Dogs are a hungry and aggressive outfit who are out to prove they are a major player in the Cluster. 50 years is a long time, and they would like nothing more than a chance to regain status and influence by taking business from the Pulsars. While a large scale direct conflict does not appear imminent, smaller incidents and skirmishes have been occurring more frequently over the last decade.