Confederation Scout Bases

Scout bases are one of the 3 major sources of Confederation influence (along with naval bases and consulates). They are the most numerous of the Confederation bases, and are found in many different types of systems around the Cluster. Every base is designed to fit the local conditions, but there are always several characteristics that must be present. Because one of their primary roles is to service and repair space vessels, they require an orbital or very low gravity facility that is accessible to capital ships. An orbital outpost is most common, but small airless moons or an asteroid are often more cost efficient. In cases where the base is in regular contact with the inhabitants of a system, there is typically a planetary portion of the base as well. In planetary systems where inhabitants do not interact with the Confederation, the scout base will be located some distance from the inhabited world.

CSS scout base

There are 4 significant departments that make running a Scout base possible. Operations is the department which plans deployments and figures out how to allocate limited resources to accomplish the CSS goals. The most successful operations officers are in line for command of their own base. The intelligence department collects and organizes the information from all other Confederation bases and any data provided by other scouts. The adjutant department is responsbile for following all Confederation rules (particularly customs and shipping) as well as personnel requests or transfers at bases. Finally the supply department organizes fuel refining and supplies for the base as well as all CSS or allied ships passing through. The 4 departments must work together flawlessly for the organization to thrive.

The space base itself has all of the repair capabilities of a class B starport along with basic services for scout personnel. Many ships passing through only come for fuel and supplies, and spend minimal time before moving on to their next destination. For ships undergoing longer term maintenance or repair, crew are often given shore leave or long term leave while their vessel is incapacitated. Refined fuel will be available at scale, and typical volumes used by the base weekly can potentially be doubled for high demand periods. Parts and basic supply inventories will be extensive for emergencies. Supply is the key department here.

Besides engineers and technicians for maintaining ships, scout bases also maintain a replacement pool for various types of scout crew who are scheduled for deployment in the subsector. Crew members are regularly rotated between postings, and new crew must be added to replace casualties or retiring individuals. In emergencies, these crew can be called for service by the adjutant or the base commander.

While the scouts are not a combat organization per se, injuries are not uncommon in the CSS. All bases have a central medical facility for treating injured personnel as well as a long term care unit where scouts recover from their injuries. These scouts are on detached duty, but the CSS does not forget their own and whether they are able to return to the service or not, injured scouts do not lack assistance. Every scout base has a collection of former scouts who may have left the service but still associate with active scouts and can be relied upon to uphold the principles of the service. The adjutant's office is the keeper of these records dealing with active and inactive personnel.

The operations office regulates spacecraft and small craft associated with the bases. Small craft are different from vehicles due to their much more sturdy construction (12x stronger than an equivalent vehicle scale) as well as their primary environment. The common air raft can reach orbit- that does not mean it should do so on a regular basis. Repair bots, cargo carriers and other objects are present in and around space stations. The flight control officer organizes incoming and outgoing ships as well as keeping local traffic clear. No commander wants careless casualties on their watch.

Ground bases have even more vehicles available. Transport within the confines of the base, cargo deliveries, and personnel movement all occur on a daily basis. Each ground base typically has one or more guarded entry posts available for different types of entries. Many scouts feel that the ground base is the most vulnerable portion of a CSS base's operation due to the comings and goings of people with the outer world.

Information is the lifeblood of the Confederation, and the intelligence department informs most other CSS priorities. Even very isolated systems with a scout base are kept up to date on Confederation events. CSS regulations require every scout base to keep in touch with all other CSS bases, naval bases, and consulates with 5 parsecs on a weekly basis. For central worlds of the Cluster, this often means more than 2 dozen arrivals/departures every week just for courier duty. On the periphery, courier runs to bases in low tech systems might be the weekly highlight for an otherwise dreary posting.

To protect the base, there are always at least a battalion of marines as a garrison unit at every scout facility. They may or may not have heavy weapons available depending upon the perceived threat level at the base, but every marine is capable of lethal force. The majority of marines on CSS bases tend to be infantry platoons, particularly vacuum infantry as they are the best troops for deploying on CSS ships. A few armored vehicles appropriate for the base's environment will also be present to counter small scale attacks. Roughly a company of marines on the orbital base are on standby for immediate deployment for emergency operations. While not as prepared as naval bases for space assaults, scout bases are usually spatially closer to problems and in time critical situations the extra week spent jumping to a naval station may be catastrophic. Each base will have ready transports for platoon or company level deployments (larger operations require a naval base). The operations department works very closely with the marine commander and the intelligence section when combat is likely.

Every base has a substantial research suite for dealing with scientific problems that require close cooperation between all station departments. Most of the work done is follow up from field agents and samples they collected in their investigations. The facilities are compact, but extensive. When necessary, scientists are seconded to CSS vessels for continuing their investigations in the field. By using the same scientists in the lab and field, they are able to make connections faster and follow up directly with less delay for consultation. Information travels at the speed of jump, and every message/response takes a minimum of 2 weeks so the fewer delays the better. CSS scientists are well regarded, and draw on expertise and consultants anywhere in the Cluster.

Scout bases also serve as secondary locations for Magistrates on patrol with CSS ships. The scouts go to very remote systems and will often take one or more magistrates with them. Traveling judges come through irregularly, but even in remote space Confederation rules are meant to protect everyone. Magistrates who travel with the CSS are respected for their breadth of experience and cosmopolitan attitude. Most magistrates spend only a few years with the CSS before being promoted to a more senior position in a Consulate, but few who operate with the scouts forget their time with the service.

Scout bases are the most visible and often the most visited type of Confederation base in the Cluster. Whether as a research hub, information way station, defense outpost, R&R port, or repair depot, they provide a range of services to spacers and planets that are unmatched by any other Confederation service. While this openness has gotten bases into trouble in the past (and likely will again), the benefits for the CSS and the systems they support are quite substantial.